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Import Measurement File g05 into KPS

Import Measurement File g05 into KPS

Sabine Becker avatar
Written by Sabine Becker
Updated over 4 years ago

Step 1: Open the existing kitchen plan with KPS and copy the original plan.

Step 2: Open the input mask for customer information. Click on Next on the next page and enter an order number.

Click finish.

Step 3: Click with the cursor on the reference wall to insert the measurement data; usually the planning wall above.

Step 4: Open via Insert >>> Measurement the measurement interface.

Step 5: Click on Define Reference wall.

The previously selected wall is set as the reference wall.

Step 6: Open again via Insert >>> Measurement the measurement interface and choose Place order.

Step 7: Under Measurement type, activate the kitchen with a tick, select an order date and confirm shipping.

You will receive a message that the order was created successfully. Confirm this with OK.

Step 8: Open again via Insert >>> Measure the allowance interface and select Import allowance.

Step 9: Open Select the import file g05 in your storage directory and click on open.

Step 10: Confirm your selection with OK.

You will be informed that the measurement has been imported successfully. Confirm this with OK.

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