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ARES Kudo Release Notes 1.107

Release Date 31-12-2019, ARES, Kudo, Release Notes, Latest Version

Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality

  1. Email Notification:  ARES Kudo has made collaboration more powerful by introducing email notification feature. This unique and interesting feature will help users to send automated email alerts(for drawing and comments modification ) to the users who have opened the drawing.  Users will be notified of the activities occurring within the document. The email contains preview of modified document, information of each modification with user details, ability to open the drawing from email, ability to unsubscribe from notifications for a specific drawing. User can control the frequency of getting email notification. Option available are immediate, hourly, daily and never. Further to global notification, an additional options are provided in the file list to control the file specific email notification. Users can do RMB to control to turn ON or OFF the email notification. 

  2. ExplodeX:- "ExplodeX" command allow user to convert Ellipses and Splines into PolyLines. This command is very useful to prepare drawings to export to other software programs that do not support Ellipses and Splines.

  3.  New options in contextual menu for command suggestion list:-In Kudo 1.107 we have introduced new contextual menu with new settings  to have a better control on command suggestion list. Contextual Menu contains "Include Aliases", "Include Midstring search", "Include System variable", "Display Suggestion List"

  4. Command Line improvements:- Length of suggestion list changes as per the command string length

  5. Improvements in commenting panel:- We have made commenting panel more user friendly, now user can accept the user inputs for adding an entity in public link by right click same as  <Enter> .

  6. UI improvements in Hatch dialog:-  Selection of the hatch pattern is made easy, user can select the hatch pattern by double clicking on preview tile.


  1. DXF files are converted to DWG on save

  2. Unable to download a folder created on Onshape

  3.  File id is appended to the filename when inserting as external reference

  4. Commenting: The entities are not highlighting in the viewport

  5. Entities get deleted when pressed DEL when focus is on command line

  6. Trinity: ARES Kudo crashes when try to reload the changes done by parallel session in ARES C having xref.

  7. The license type should not be displayed when the license is expired

  8. Views dialog does not closes by Ok and cancel after creating a new View

  9. WebDAV : Unable to open files/folders after Rename

  10. Commenting: Add/Remove entity command cannot be cancelled through Escape

  11. PDF export makes this drawing non-responsive

  12. Shared file gets missing when another file is accessed instead of shared file in OneDrive

  13. When a drawing name contains the word "Surface", the drawing is opening as "view-only"

  14. One Drive : Not able to move "folder" inside of another "Nested" folder

  15. File list loading for Dropbox account takes long time 

  16. Clicking on Ares Kudo icon redirect to root folder instead of parent folder

  17. UI of WebGL page is broken

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