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ARES Kudo release notes 1.117
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New functionality

  1. Enhancements in Save notification: This new behavior helps to understand when the last save is done and who has done it. The information available the last saved time and date along with user information.

  2. Support clipping references (CLIPREFERENCE): You can display only part of a Reference (a Referenced drawing file) or a Block. The entity is clipped at a boundary you create or specify. You can create one clipping boundary per Reference or Block.

  3. Spell checking: New implementation of a spell checker is available to check the spelling of Text in drawings.

  4. Markup improvements: Voice recording functionality is now available under markup.

  5. Kudo now support export PNG command

  6. Export SLD: Use the ExportSLD command to save the current view of the drawing to a slide file (.sld).

  7. Roll view: Use RollView commands to view your model interactively in 3D with the camera moving and the model stationary. You cannot edit the drawing when the software is in RollView mode because the RollView commands are active.

  8. Roll view vertical: Use the RollViewVertical command to tilt the view of your model vertically about an imaginary horizontal axis.

  9. Roll view horizontal: Use the RollViewHorizontal command to swivel the view of your model horizontally about an imaginary vertical axis

  10. Now Kudo display a message when fonts are not available and we change in visually


  1. Files are removed instantly from the list once its upload is canceled

  2. Unable to scroll down to the bottom of storage pane in Firefox

  3. The current date in the calendar while setting expiry date of a view-only link is hardly visible

  4. Two error messages popup when search any document by entering just single character

  5. Unable to open the view only Link

  6. Unable to change gradient color from properties palette

  7. Some of the Polar Guides are not shown

  8. Undo not activated on performing Mouse wheel zoom and pan

  9. Kudo error message when no storage is added

  10. Last active storage is not shown as active storage on login but its files are visible under another storage

  11. Onshape folders are not shown on top in Browse dialogue while attaching xrefs

  12. Active storage switches to Box when clicked on Ares Kudo icon / Trash folder after login

  13. CLEAN: The layer list is not sorted correctly in the UI

  14. Undoing the layer changes causes layer lists loading status in the layer panel

  15. Command-line is draggable beyond the graphical area in Firefox/Edge

  16. Bylayer/Byblock properties are not working correctly in Kudo

  17. The view is jumping when starting the Rollview by Shift+MMB

  18. Wrong storage is highlighted when any other storage is accessed in parallel sessions

  19. Broken gradients when printing to PDF

  20. UI is broken while attaching picture recording on Safari in macOS

  21. AEC entity display is broken when saving the file

  22. Cross mark 'x' button on custom stamp text box is misplaced

  23. Drawings attached as Xrefs are not loaded for WebDAV storage

  24. Ortho mode cannot be disabled by pressing the Shift key

  25. Checkbox inside Print to PDF dialog box can be enabled without selecting any layout for sheet space in Japanese and Polish language

  26. Backspace does not works when auto-suggestion text is shown in Edge browser

  27. Blank space is shown in the command window when the command window is expanded

  28. Pan and zoom are very slow and laggy in attached customer drawings

  29. Multiple errors are thrown instead of a single error

  30. Getting an error message on running SaveAs or Export command

  31. New changes are not reflected in the thumbnail of the recent file until a page is refreshed

  32. Trashed contents are shown when files page is opened after accessing Trash folder inside a folder: Box storage

  33. The folder path is not shown in the browse dialog of insert command

  34. Pagination not working in insert block browse dialog

  35. LINECOLOR UI: Unable to enter color names

  36. Dialog terminated when canceling the drop-down menu

  37. Paper size is wrongly described in Page layout Manager

  38. Block color can be changed despite the color property is set to ByLayer

  39. Text creation is slow in the editor

  40. The complete folder path is not shown on accessing a subfolder: WebDAV

  41. Unable to attach picture recording in Safari on macOS

  42. Blocks displayed at incorrect scale factor

  43. Japanese input is not working in the in-place text editor in Kudo

  44. Custom stamps text are not displayed correctly for some Russian/German language characters

  45. In/Out option under Internal region setting in Hatch is not respected in ARES Kudo

  46. Auto-complete does not work when auto-suggestion list is turned off

  47. Sub options under the 'list' option of '-autocompleteoptions' are not available

  48. Incorrect display of AR-CONC Hatch pattern

  49. blocks on hidden layers are visible

  50. Unable to delete cloned files in WebDAV storage

  51. File creation buttons are shown as activated inside folders under which files can't be added

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