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Mouse / Cursor settings and variables

Mouse, cursor, display, settings, variables

Levi Miguel avatar
Written by Levi Miguel
Updated over 10 months ago

Mouse / Cursor settings and variables

Mouse / cursor display customization can be done via OPTIONS>System Options>Graphics Area:

Here, you can define the cursor appearance, but you can also define these parameters via the correspondent System Variables:


Defines the pointer and crosshairs appearance in the graphics area.



The pointer displays as crosshairs showing the negative parts of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes as shorter. At crosshairs' origin the GravityBox displays. If CURSORSIZE is 100, the crosshairs span the entire screen.


The pointer displays as mouse cursor with an arrow and a box when no command is active. When a command is active and prompts to specify a point, distance, or angle, the pointer displays as crosshairs with equal lengths on the positive and negative parts of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes.


The pointer displays as crosshairs with equal lengths on the positive and negative parts of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes, whether a command is active or the running command prompts to specify a point, distance, or angle.


Sets the size of the crosshairs to a percentage of the screen. If set to 100, the crosshairs cross the entire screen.

The crosshairs show the current position of the pointing device on the graphics screen and act also as pointer.

The appearance of the pointer is influenced by CURSORMODE.


Returns whether the crosshairs pointer or the Microsoft Windows® mouse pointer is used by your pointing device.

Note: It is recommended to keep the default value (crosshairs pointer).

The variable only has an effect under Windows operating systems.



The crosshairs cursor is used (default).


The Windows mouse pointer is used.

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