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ARES Kudo Release Notes - 1.185
Written by Gautham Gamkaranahalli Narasimhamurthy
Updated over a week ago

New Feature(s):

  • Linked Text function is now supported for CLOUDFIELD command
    ​The LINKED TEXT function in the CLOUDFIELD command allows the users to insert a link for downloading the latest version of the drawing.

    Note: The CloudField command lets you place QR codes and links on your drawing. The command automatically generates the necessary data linked to the QR code or the link, that you can place on your drawing at the desired location.

    You can place QR codes in a specified location or insert them in fields. QR codes are visible in drawing sheets and on the printed drawing.


  • Improve the WebGL error message for a better UX

  • \*GS-ZOOM\* Keep different derivations of ARCs, CIRCLEs and ELLIPSEs to avoid regeneration

  • Ribbon: Adjust the Submit button and the transparency slider in the Properties panel.

Stabilization & Bug Fixes:

  • Drawing Closure Issue: Resolved an issue where the drawing does not close when the "Close" button is clicked if the previous session is stuck.

  • Onedrive Storage:

    • File Upload Error: Fixed a regression where an unknown error appeared when uploading files (account-specific).

    • Version Save Error: Addressed an issue where an error occurred when saving the version as a new file (account-specific).

    • Collaborator Role Update: Fixed a regression preventing users from updating roles for collaborators in OneDrive storage (account-specific).

    • View-Only Link Issue: Resolved a regression where a drawing shared with editing rights opened in view-only mode via a sharing link (account-specific).

  • File and Folder Management:

    • Deletion Issue: Fixed a regression that prevented users from deleting files/folders.

    • Restore Functionality: Resolved an issue where the infinite spinner was displayed in the Restore dialog box and prevented restoring files/folders.

    • Renaming Templates: Addressed an issue where users were unable to rename templates.

    • Folder Navigation: Fixed a regression preventing users from returning to the previous folder or root.

    • File Sharing: Resolved an issue where the "Share this file" button disappeared from the header.

  • Drawing and Annotation:

    • Multileader Functionality: Fixed a regression where the "Add leader" function did not work properly, and multiple previews were visible.

    • Dimension Issues: Addressed various issues including:

      • CCS Selection: Fixed an issue where vertex and entity were not selected for dimensions.

      • Preview Alignment: Resolved a bug where dimension text in the preview was not aligned to the active UCS.

    • Drawing Export: Resolved multiple issues related to the EXPORTDRAWING function, including crashes, missing buttons, and alias entry recognition.

    • Hatch Display: Fixed an issue where hatches inside a block disappeared when changing the view.

  • Ribbon Interface:

    • Component Command: Resolved an issue where the 'Edit Component' command did not become inactive when clicking on the 'Paste' command in the Insert tab.

    • Button Name Errors: Corrected incorrect button names and messages displayed when hovering over the layer combo box.

    • Icon Display: Fixed inconsistent icon display in the Layer Manager Combo Box and Drop-Down Boxes in the Drawing Compare Dialog.

  • View and Zoom:

    • Infinite and Ray Line Display: Resolved an issue where infinite and ray lines broke when zoomed in.

    • Entities Highlight: Addressed an issue where entities were not highlighted when hovered over with the mouse.

    • Viewports in PDF: Fixed a bug where a duplicated viewport boundary was visible in the PDF when the viewport was shaded.

  • Block Management:

    • Dynamic Block Display: Fixed an issue where the dynamic block symbol was too small and not clearly visible.

    • Block Conversion: Resolved issues with CBCONVERT, including disabling the "Open in Block Editor" option in the palette and display issues when resizing the palette in the View dialog.

  • Miscellaneous:

    • Linux Cursor Issue: Addressed a problem where the cursor didn't switch from Crosshair to window cursor for entity selection in Kudo Enterprise.

    • Kudo Enterprise Stability: Fixed several stability issues, including crashes when importing a drawing in the Layer State Manager and when running the "BLOCKATTRIBUTEMANAGER" command.

    • Spinner and Save As Issues: Resolved a regression where the spinner rotated continuously when using the "Save As" option, and the saved file did not open in a new tab.

  • Layer Manager Search Box: Fixed overlapping issues with the search box cancel button and text in the Layer Manager's search box.

  • Entity Rendering: Resolved a regression where entities were not rendered in the graphic area.

  • Shademode: Fixed an issue where entities disappeared when the shademode was changed.

  • DGN Attachment: Addressed an error that appeared when attaching a DGN file.

  • Command Execution: Resolved an issue where focus was not returned to the command line after executing commands using the arrow up/down keys.

These updates should improve the overall user experience and address several key issues reported by users. Please continue to provide feedback for further improvements.

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