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36. Create a Photo and Insert it into the Plan as a Picture
36. Create a Photo and Insert it into the Plan as a Picture

SiteMaster Kitchen v6, Create a Photo and Insert it into the Plan as a Picture

Sabine Becker avatar
Written by Sabine Becker
Updated over 4 years ago

How to create a photo and insert it into the drawing.

Step 1: Click Camera.

Step 2: Select the lower left position of the photo in the ground plan, the wall view or in a photo paper space.

Step 3: Select Picture if you want to insert the photo as an image in the drawing.

Or select Camera to view the location from which the photo was taken.

Step 4: Click ... and select a saved photo on your tablet or click Take Photo.

Step 4: Click OK.

Step 5: Move the cursor to the top right to set the size of the inserted image.

Click the left mouse button or click on the touch-display.

With the command Insert picture in drawing you can display existing photos in your drawing.

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