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Training & Documentation for ARES Commander

Find in this article all the links to the training materials, documentations and online resources to get started with ARES Commander

Cedric Desbordes avatar
Written by Cedric Desbordes
Updated over a week ago

Whether you are just starting your journey with ARES Commander, or willing to discover new features, we are summarizing below the many resources that we created for you.

Before you start, we recommend you to visit first the page to get a full overview in 1 hour, including videos and texts.

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Pro tip: When you are using our CAD software and using any command you can always press the F1 key to show the help file of the command in your language (14 languages available in ARES Commander.

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Training & Tutorials

----- For beginners -----

  • Essential Training guide - 193 pages
    => Download English version with exercises
    If you have little experience of CAD software you will find in this ebook lessons and exercises to learn the fundamentals to get started including the user interface, layers, blocks, properties, most frequently used drawing features, dimensions, printing features... etc. The exercises will guide you step by step instructions and sample drawings.
    The corresponding training examples can be downloaded from here.

----- For experienced users -----

  • Basics of Custom blocks - Tutorial 1
    => Read article + video in English
    => Download tutorial and exercises in English
    In ARES Commander you can use Dynamic blocks created with AutoCAD or create your own "Custom blocks". Discover in this tutorial how to turn your blocks into smarter entities with grips to adjust their size and shape.

  • Basics of Custom blocks - Tutorial 2
    => Read article + video in English
    => Download tutorial and exercises in English
    Explore further the power of custom blocks in this tutorial. After mastering the features shown in the Tutorial 1, you can learn in the Tutorial 2 how to use the visibility states to show different version of your block. The visibility states help to show / hide different configurations of your block, eg. a product available in different shapes and materials.

  • How to draw in 3D
    => See our playlist with videos showing key features and step-by-step tutorials

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New features videos

  • How to use our Trinity concept to significantly improve collaboration around your projects:

    Watch more videos about Graebert's unique ARES Trinity features:

More videos:

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Tips & Tricks for Frequently Asked Questions

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Take a deeper dive with the ARES eBooks and white papers

  • "Inside ARES" by Ralph Grabowski - in English, 652 pages
    => Get it for free if you subscribe to our newsletter OR like our page on Facebook (see section free eBook for fans)
    Ralph Grabowski is an expert in the field of computer-aided design, with 30+ years experience.  He is the author of over 200 books related to CAD, graphics, and the Internet. In this eBook the author is taking a deep dive into the features of ARES Commander, ARES Kudo and ARES Touch.

  • White paper "AutoCAD Web vs ARES Kudo" by Ralph Grabowski
    => Download English version
    Compare Cloud-based technologies from Autodesk and Graebert in details with this white paper written by independent industry expert Ralph Grabowski.

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More resources from the Graebert blog

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