The 30-day trial period of ARES Kudo allows you also to work with ARES Commander (Desktop CAD) and ARES Touch (Mobile CAD App) (usage of the complete ARES Trinity of CAD). After that, only ARES Kudo will be available as an Online CAD editor as before until the end of May. From June 1st, you can continue to use ARES Kudo as a free DWG file viewer, but you will no longer have any editing options. While using ARES Kudo as a free DWG viewer, you can view your DWGs, have control on viewing and sharing rights, and measure or switch the layers on or off. For 99 β¬ / year you can buy ARES Kudo (cloud-based Online CAD) for further editing in a browser of your choice or pay 250 β¬ / year for the complete ARES Trinity license.
Try ARES Kudo completely free of charge until the end of May - then use it as a viewer

Written by Franziska Raese
Updated over 4 years ago