To fix this issue you have to replace the dummy SHCORE32.dll and SHCORE64.dll in the program binary folder of ARES Commander 2017.
Attached the Please extract the correct platform version of the SHCORE-file to the corresponding BIN-folders:
x86 (32Bit)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 2017\BIN\SHCORE32.dll
x64 (64Bit)
C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 2017\BIN\SHCORE64.dll
Then the SmartHeap memory management will not be used anymore. The files are release versions compiled for the Visual Studio 2012 runtime library. This substitution fixes crashes of the file dialog in ARES Commander, related to a conflict with Autodesk products.
Note: With ARES Commander 2018 (and newer version) we switched to the Visual Studio 2015 runtime library and the issue is solved by default in the CAD kernel.
Download the Archive-file here.