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ARES Kudo release notes 1.121

Find out the latest updates and features we’ve released with version 1.121.

Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New functionality

  1. Before Kudo 1.121 it was difficult to differentiate between Owned files and Shared files. Now, owned files and shared files are stored in respective folders. This helps users to understand owned and shared files for G Drive, One Drive, and One Drive for Business.

  2. In Kudo 1.121 we continue improvements 3D Viewing Using RollView Commands. In past releases, we have added all 3D Viewing Using RollView Commands and now in 1.121 these commands can easily access from Tool Bar

  3. In Kudo 1.121 we have added all fonts in Kudo, those we support in our desktop product ARES Commander.

  4. Convert DGN files to DWG files in a batch operation: Existing import DGN command is improved to converting DGN files to DWG files in a batch operation. The new enhancement allows the user to do batch processing by selecting the source path that contains the DGN files to convert to DWG files and a destination path where the resulting DWG files are stored.


  1. UI improvements in the side panel of the file list

  2. Message improvements when view-only link is deleted is shown in the background when opening any password-protected public link

  3. Project server location is shown as blank on integrating Trimble Connect storage to Kudo

  4. Pagination doesn't work properly in the dialog

  5. The searched string is not getting highlighted on the search page

  6. Unable to rename a template

  7. A limited number of files are available in the trash of Box storage

  8. Esnap tooltip is hidden by entities

  9. Rendering issue with few files

  10. The picture recording icon is not shown in the graphic area till the picture recording is posted

  11. Multiple voice recordings can be played at the same time

  12. Cross mark is shown on comment panel header when adding a description for a picture recording

  13. The display block color is wrong in Kudo

  14. The dimension arrowhead is not filled in Kudo

  15. RMB contextual menu is not available in Rollviewcontinuous

  16. Save tooltip for the drawing does not show the name of the user who saved it last for Dropbox storage

  17. Browse button in Richlinestyle dialog is misplaced in the German language

  18. "Add a custom word to dictionary" is not functional

  19. Property panel is broken on opening a drawing after changing scale factor

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