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ARES Kudo Release Notes 1.111

Find out the latest updates and features we’ve released with 1.111.

Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality

  1. Along with English and Japanese languages, now Kudo is also supporting Polish, Korean, German languages. 

  2. Refactor public links to allow multiple links per file: This is the improvement done in sharing behavior of the public links.  1.111 onwards, each collaborator can control the sharing behavior of public links. That means each collaborator can create and control his own view-only link. 

  3. Justify text - Now you can use JustifyText command to modify the justification point of Notes and SimpleNotes.

  4. Isolateentities and unisolateentities - In Kudo 1.111, you can use the IsolateEntities command to isolate selected entities by hiding all other entities. And UNISOLATEENTITIES command to unisolate. 

  5. Get properties command- Use the GetProperties command to view details of an entity, including the entity's type, Layer, LineColor, LineStyle, LineWeight, mode (model or sheet), its coordinates, and other details depending on its type.

  6. Select Matching- Use the SelectMatching command to select drawing entities of the same type and with shared properties. This helps you to use subsequent commands on the group of entities.

  7. Hide entities command - Use the HideEntities command to hide selected entities. Hiding entities can help when you need to edit complex geometry. To restore visibility, use the UnisolateEntities command.

  8. Use the Paste@SourcePosition command to paste entities from the operating system clipboard using the coordinates of the source drawing

  9. Now help can be accessed through the command line, Help will be opened in a new browser tab. 


  1. Tangent Esnap is not functional

  2. Folder path is shown when Trash folder is accessed inside a folder

  3. Project Server location option flashes when switch to any storage from Trimble Connect

  4. Focus is removed from G.A after closing esnap list while running a command

  5. 'Get Editor Rights' dialog needs to be improved - Broken alignment

  6. Cancelling the reply to a comment thread do not remove text from reply box

  7. System variables EXTMIN and EXTMAX are not updated according to drawing content

  8. Shift + MMB do not activate orbit when inside any command

  9. Table cell editing is not working

  10. Unable to select two table cells by shift key combination

  11. Get editor right button from header is missing after fetching editor rights

  12. Same image is attached multiple times while attaching multiple images in a picture recording

  13. The drawing view is rotated when moving the command window while Rollview command is active

  14. The same old view only link is generated again when turned off and on again

  15. Incorrect display of Hangul TrueType fontFile icons alignment is broken in Xref dialog

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