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ARES Kudo release notes 1.119

Find out the latest updates and features we’ve released with version 1.119.

Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New functionality

  1. Richline: RichLine entities consist of two or more parallel linear constructions created as one object. Before using RichLine entities, you can create custom RichLineStyles to specify the LineColor, LineStyle, and other entity properties. The default RichLineStyle is named Standard.

  2. Export BMP: We have enhanced the export feature by adding a new "ExportBMP" command. Use the ExportBMP command to save the current view to a bitmap (BMP) file


  1. Drawing not opened after login for drawing accessed through Box environment

  2. WebDAV connect dialog is opened again when Enter is pressed

  3. Pagination stops working while moving a drawing

  4. Clicking on folder path on the search page doesn't open respective folders

  5. The date of the previous month is grayed out in the calendar of the expiry date of view only link

  6. Unable to log in to Kudo when a drawing is opened from the Box app environment

  7. Switching storage after accessing Trimble shows blank space at the bottom of the file page

  8. Blocks are broken in this drawing

  9. Broken highlight when MMB Zoom

  10. Can't receive trash folder content inbox if trash folder is large

  11. Drawing downloaded after rename is not retained the name

  12. Gradient fill colors are not visible in block preview

  13. Broken display of PLines and slow updates of UI in this drawing

  14. RMB contextual menu does not open after canceling command suggestion

  15. Sheet switching takes a lot of time

  16. Comment panel does not gray out when attaching markups

  17. Font dropdown is not scrolled up/down when traversing the list by keyboard

  18. Incorrect display of entities

  19. RMB contextual menu should not work until a file is not completely uploaded/created

  20. SPELLCHECK: Spelling suggestion is regardless of the dictionary

  21. Broken draw order of 3D entities

  22. The new name is not reflected in Recent Files after renaming a drawing

  23. Active storage is considering as exporting storage even when the drawing is opened from other storage

  24. The command is auto-completed when the mouse hovers over the suggestion list

  25. IME toolbar and text are not aligned properly in the editor

  26. Pagination doesn't work in move dialog when there is a lot of folders in the storage

  27. Broken check-boxes in Xenon UI

  28. The save time message gets broken when renaming a drawing while the drawing is opened

  29. SHADE VIEW: Multiple shade mode menu items are checked when switching to different view tiles

  30. 'Transcription in progress' should not be shown for voice recording when transcription is not possible

  31. Hatch entity is not included in window selection

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