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ARES Kudo release notes 1.137
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality

  1. Support of CIRCULAR PATTERN command from the command line

  2. Upload Custom fonts: ARES Kudo allows user to upload their own fonts. You can upload .ttf, .ttc, .shx custom fonts. When uploading custom fonts, you are responsible for meeting the Terms of Service for the same fonts, and you should have a license for them accordingly.


  1. Unable to connect the Trimble Connect storage

  2. The permission button is missing from the header when the drawing is opened via sharing link having editing access

  3. Folder created inside the root folder of shared Google drive is not available after reload

  4. Not possible to confirm the move of a file to another folder using the ENTER key button

  5. The RMB menu starts moving up and down each time the arrow key is pressed

  6. Not possible to scroll through the list below in the move dialog box using the arrow buttons

  7. Unable to open drawing inside a folder in the browse dialog of Onshape storage

  8. Files of Sharepoint storage are not getting searched

  9. A blank screen is opened in mobile devices when drawing is opened from email notifications in ARES Touch

  10. Unable to open drawings in editor mode through sharing link in OneDrive for Business storage

  11. All the comments are not visible to sharing link user with editing permission whose license is expired

  12. Logging out is shown on the graphical area when logout is done on drawing opened by sharing link

  13. Infinite spinner is shown when permission dialog is opened for a drawing opened via box app

  14. Infinite spinner is shown on canceling the login while opening drawing from native google drive

  15. Xrefs are not loaded when drawings are attached from inside the Shared folder in OneDrive and OneDrive Business

  16. Permission dialog is available for files inside Trash folder in Box

  17. Email is retained in the email text box of permission dialog after sharing the drawing in Google Drive and Dropbox

  18. Conflicting versions of files are getting created for drawings of Google Drive when opened via 'Open in ARES Commander' in Chrome on MacOS

  19. Misalignment of sample pattern's names in the Hatch dialog

  20. Thumbnails on Recent files for OneDrive and OneDrive for Business does not show the latest changes

  21. Field: Save time is not updated after saving and rebuilding the drawing


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