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ARES Kudo release notes 1.139
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality

  1. Xref enhancement to attach PDF: Prior to 1.139, we used to support attaching of .dwg and image as Xref. Now the Xerf is enhanced to attach the PDF as well.

  2. OneDrive, One Drive for Business, and Sharepoint storage, now support the Clone functionality.


  1. Error is shown when logging in to drawing opened by sharing link for some storages

  2. Not possible to rename the uploaded template

  3. Unable to open any file by double click

  4. The list of folders is collapsed by default in the Move dialog box

  5. The infinite spinner is displayed when opening the permissions dialog in Trimble Connect storage

  6. Not possible to create a folder in Trimble Connect and SharePoint storages

  7. Not possible to open the drawing in a new tab from the "Recent Files" panel

  8. Thumbnails are not getting updated in all storages

  9. Unable to download drawings from Recent files

  10. Files and folders are randomly sorted by the time of modification

  11. Not possible to move files or folders in the OneDrive and OneDrive for Business storages

  12. The move function is skipped in the RMB menu of the folder in Box storage

  13. The cloning function is allowed for folders in Google Drive

  14. The permission button is missing for drawings of Trimble Connect and Box storage

  15. Unavailable functions are displayed in the RMB menu for shared drives in Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business

  16. Unable to download the version of drawing in Manage version dialog

  17. Unable to upload a new version of drawing in Manage version dialog

  18. Templates are not sorted based on name

  19. Unable to open drawing via sharing the link

  20. Focus issue while moving the file

  21. It is not possible to delete files using the delete key

  22. When opening a drawing via "Open in Commander", the notification about the downgrade of the session is removed after loading of drawing

  23. Error when renaming a drawing opened in view mode

  24. Error is thrown when renaming a folder in Dropbox storage

  25. NextCloud WebDAV is getting disconnected on accessing any folder or connecting storage

  26. A blank page opens when deleting a drawing having an active editing session

  27. Unable to open files and folders by pressing Enter when the focus is on them

  28. The error appears when opening a cloned folder in the Box storage

  29. By default oldest version is shown on top of the versions list on the manage version dialog

  30. When renaming public templates, it shows my templates

  31. Unable to restore files and folders with duplicate names in ARES Kudo Drive and Google Drive

  32. URL of view-only link is not displayed in the duplicate tab of the drawing

  33. Files and folders should not be clickable until the upload process is completed

  34. Unable to save the new drawing in WebDAV storage in ARES Commander

  35. The right side border of the rename text box is not clearly visible when renaming any folder

  36. View only link toggle button response is very poor

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