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ARES Kudo release notes 1.143
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality

  1. Added IMPORT PDF and Import DGN to File menu and toolbar

  2. Added SELECTMATCHING command into the contextual menu


  1. Double click on a deleted folder in the Trash disconnects the storage

  2. Unable to open certain versions in the Manage Version dialog of Dropbox storage

  3. Maximum 10 versions get listed in the manage version dialog for Dropbox storage

  4. The email content is not properly adjusted when in a collapsed state

  5. Unable to unshare any folder in Dropbox storage in a single attempt

  6. The permission button for drawings of ARES Kudo Drive is missing on the Search page

  7. The user gets logged in back on pressing the back navigation key after logging out

    The user name disappears when changing user options or thumbnail options

  8. Get Editor Rights functionality does not work properly

  9. Files get opened on double click while renaming

  10. The blank page is shown when clicked on the navigation button after right-clicking inside the Trash folder of Onshape storage

  11. Unable to again open a folder by pressing Enter after accessing any folder

  12. Font name is misaligned in the Resources page in Safari browser on macOS

  13. Unable to edit the email suggestions in the email text box of permission dialog

  14. Labels in email notifications get misplaced on forwarding email notifications to any other user

  15. Unable to restore some files from multiple selected files in the Deleted Files folder

  16. The folder path is not shown when Show location is done for files of the opened folder

  17. ATTACHDGN: Improve the alignement of the UI

  18. UNISOLATEENTITIES crashing Kudo

  19. The blank line is shown at the bottom of the file list when accessing any other storage after connecting Trimble Connect storage

  20. Sometimes the complete name of the drawing is not shown on the external reference panel

  21. Commenting error is shown when deleting the file that is being edited

  22. Buttons are broken in the hatch panel

  23. Options: Cropped labels in the headers

  24. "Pre-release" is written in the dialog title

  25. FIND: Broken label in the button

  26. Pattern dialog: Both 'Use last entity selected' and 'Pick base point' is activated by default under circular pattern

  27. Plus/minus sign against the processed DGN files in the batch processing of ImportDGN panel is oversized

  28. *ImportDGN* Please change the case of the message displayed while downloading folder during batch processing

  29. The orbit button is clickable even though it is grayed out in sheet space

    Richline is missing from the draw menu

  30. Extra space is present in a string on the 'Close suggestion list' dialog

  31. 'Close suggestion list' dialog should not fade away when closed

  32. HATCH: There is no default pattern selected

  33. The layer names are not truncated in the panel

  34. Strings are cropped in the layer dialog

  35. Arrow mark against point filter in Esnap list is overflowing the list

  36. Tooltip is missing for LineColor in layer panel for view only drawing

  37. The centerline extension input box should be aligned by the center of the UI

  38. PAGE LAYOUT: The edit button is not functional after applying a layout to a sheet

  39. LineType: Broken dropdown

  40. Voice note: Please change the scrollbar in the text area

  41. When the button is disabled, please disable the effect too

  42. LayerManager: Name text grayed out if enable FROZEN. The text should be visible at least

  43. VIEWS: Unnecessary scrollbar on the pop-up dialog

  44. VIEW: Broken dropdown box in the view panel

  45. It doesn't matter how fast you are scrolling, but Kudo always scrolls the page slowly.

  46. Please make tooltip visibility over the other dialog

  47. SHADEMODE Button: The options don't activate if the mouse click is outside the string

  48. LINESTYLE: 'Load linestyle' dialog alignment is broken

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