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ARES Commander 2024 - Release Notes

ARES, Commander, 2024, Release Notes

Written by Rodrigo Leiria
Updated over 11 months ago


You can download the last update from here.

Build No. (SP3) - Released 16/01/2024

  • Main enhancements:

    • Take over editing session - In the realm of daily collaborative work, it's quite common and often desirable to have multiple users accessing the same drawing within a cloud environment. Providing a mechanism for requesting permission to edit a file when another user already has editing rights can greatly enhance user productivity and simplify their work processes.

    • Notification palette - We've introduced the new 'Notifications' palette to facilitate workflows such as requesting permission to edit from other users. This palette serves as the central hub for managing these messages, ensuring that users are promptly informed about any relevant requests.

    • Support MacOS 14.0 (Sonoma) - ARES 2024 SP3 is officially supporting MacOS 14.0 (Sonoma).

  • Open and Save:

    • Open and Save: Improved the OPEN command to reduce the time it takes to open drawing files in a specific customer's environment. [DESKTOP-244932]

    • Save as now works correctly for drawings containing blocks with Annotative scaling factor. [DESKTOP-235090]

  • Print, export and sheets:

    • Fixed display mode issue: 3D geometry no longer changes display mode after "Save as PDF" on MacOS. [DESKTOP-240106]

    • Reduced delay when switching between Sheets and Model in drawing. [DESKTOP-257904]

    • MacOS printing stability: Fixed a crash issue when printing 3D solids with "Rendered" shade. [DESKTOP-264983]

    • Fix the issue where PACKANDGO fails to include referenced files. [DESKTOP-275074]

    • Optimized dialog size: Printer properties dialog on MacOS is now appropriately sized for better visibility. [DESKTOP-275918]

    • Ensure correct printout when selecting roll size paper in the Canon TA-5300 printer. [DESKTOP-243897]

    • Optimize the PDF file size generated by ARES Commander 2024 to match that of ARES Commander 2023. [DESKTOP-259218]

    • Correct the problem of unchanged Custom Paper size settings when using the KIP7170K plotter. [DESKTOP-253941]

    • Viewport activation stability: Fixed a crash issue when trying to activate a viewport with the Ctrl + R shortcut. [DESKTOP-251953]

    • Resolved the issue on MacOS: "Publish to PDF/DWF" for a sheet set no longer opens an instance of ARES and gets stuck. [DESKTOP-260345]

    • Address the issue of printing some lines in white on the sheet. [DESKTOP-254432]

    • Ensured that the paper sizes list in EXPORTPDF is in the same order as PRINT to built-in PDF. [DESKTOP-241657]

    • Addressed an issue where the position of the OLE was offset during printing. [DESKTOP-238464]

    • Resolved an issue where selecting sub-options like 3D wireframe from the ribbon in SHADEVIEW ran _SHADEVIEW when the model space is active in the Viewport. [DESKTOP-88999]

    • "Model" tab is no longer shown as active and view navigator is absent when opening a drawing saved in sheet area. [DESKTOP-260362]

    • Resolved a crash issue when editing page setup using Sheet Set Manager. [DESKTOP-264234]

  • Geometry draw or modification:

    • Addressed a crash issue when manipulating entities in a specific drawing using MIRROR/SCALE. [DESKTOP-258489]

    • Correct the incorrect behavior of "TANgent" and "NEArest" ESnaps. [DESKTOP-74938]

    • Prevent ARES from crashing when moving the cursor around the contour line in a specific drawing file. [DESKTOP-273368]

    • HATCH now correctly ignores the dimensional constraint "Dynamic." [DESKTOP-256340]

    • Ensure that "ESnap" remains toggled ON in the status bar after creating gradient/hatch in FILLAREA (Gradient)/Hatch. [DESKTOP-226429]

    • Resolved an issue where copying a block with constraints would result in an error. [DESKTOP-230539]

    • Implemented on-demand loading for XtraTools, enhancing resource efficiency. [DESKTOP-268589]

    • Ensure that entities are created in the Etrack direction and at the correct distance. [DESKTOP-268471]

    • Internal region of attribute inside boundary is now correctly rendered in HATCH with "Background Color." [DESKTOP-227007]

    • Improved grip tracking for stretching solids. [DESKTOP-242369]

    • Enhanced selection highlight: Improved visibility of selection when hovering over "Note" entity with a background mask in POWERTRIM. [DESKTOP-253134]

    • Fix the issue of E-Track points not tracking properly and displaying extra points. [DESKTOP-252009]

    • Fixed MacOS issue: Cursor no longer jumps to the command line when Esnap Tooltip is active and putting a value in QInput. [DESKTOP-206322]

    • Fixed orientation changes when editing rotated texts in some specific conditions. [DESKTOP-259107]

    • FILLET command "Two entities are non-coplanar" message appears when trying to fillet straight splines intersecting any entities. [DESKTOP-110663]

    • Correct the display of the incorrect number of elements in the Properties palette for PATTERN (Array). [DESKTOP-267344]

    • Ensure that FLATTEN command keeps all visible Ray or Infinite lines when confirming to keep hidden lines. [DESKTOP-239597]

    • Resolve the issue where the clockwise function fails when Associative is unchecked on the Pattern dialog. [DESKTOP-98121]

    • Fix the problem of changing spacing between elements in the Array (Pattern) dialog box. [DESKTOP-123203]

    • Resolve the error occurring during the execution of an alias for defining a variable alias. [DESKTOP-44917]

    • Prevent from crashing when moving entities in some specific drawings. [DESKTOP-265722]

    • ESnap no longer toggles OFF after execution of the command -HATCH. [DESKTOP-239127]

    • Enable matching the background color of the hatch to other hatch entities in the HATCH command. [DESKTOP-81537]

    • Resolved a crash occurring when clicking on the "Preview" button after specifying "Viewport" as an entity in Pattern/Array. [DESKTOP-254863]

    • Improve the snapping function's performance when snapping with a polygon in the CLIPREFERENCE - Invert command. [DESKTOP-111688]

    • ALIGNVIEWPORTVIEWS command works as expected. [DESKTOP-229478]

  • Blocks and Data extraction:

    • Ensure that changing visibility also updates item names in dynamic blocks. [DESKTOP-255880]

    • Restore the functionality of the "Alignment" grip in dynamic blocks. [DESKTOP-106640]

    • Ensure correct unit display for block table properties. [DESKTOP-228317]

    • Correct the display issue of blocks when changing visibility states. [DESKTOP-228315]

    • The dimension now remains consistent inside the block during insertion, even in a rotated UCS. [DESKTOP-256999]

    • Addressed a crash issue when PASTEASBLOCK clipboard content into a new drawing. [DESKTOP-264511]

    • Prevent dynamic blocks from becoming disoriented/broken after conversion to custom blocks. [DESKTOP-88068]

    • Optimized performance: Selecting grips of specific custom blocks is now more efficient. [DESKTOP-234474]

    • Enable the setting of text underline in ATTIPEDIT. [DESKTOP-234253]

    • Fix the issue of the rotation angle multiplying by the scale factor during custom block scaling. [DESKTOP-252938]

    • Resolved the error when executing the added block tool in Tool Palettes > Dynamic Block. [DESKTOP-234218]

  • Annotations:

    • Address the issue of increased linear dimensions size when turning on all Esnaps. [DESKTOP-261862]

    • Improve the display of Unicode symbols in ARES. [DESKTOP-253961]

    • Resolve the issue of incorrect values for some cells with decimal number imported by DATALINK command. [DESKTOP-262408]

    • Enhance Data Link to support the "Cell range" option. [DESKTOP-258186]

    • Improved arrow relocation in Multileader after removing the first leader for a smoother user experience. [DESKTOP-240892]

    • Enhanced SMARTLEADER: Position no longer shifts when center justification is selected. [DESKTOP-245129]

    • Addressed a crash issue during the insertion of "Field" in a specific drawing. [DESKTOP-255967]

    • Ensure the visibility of cell content after copying tables. [DESKTOP-251487]

    • Enhance the Properties palette to adjust the text frame setting. [DESKTOP-117215]

    • Enhanced highlighting: Found results from reference drawings are now correctly highlighted in place during the FIND command. [DESKTOP-259971]

    • Resolved a crash issue when using SPLITDIMENSION along with Ray/Xline on an angular dimension. [DESKTOP-253894]

  • Graphic System:

    • Zoom stability improvement: Resolved a crash issue occurring when zooming after attaching a particular DWG. [DESKTOP-265459]

    • Resolve the problem of an unknown 3D solid entity appearing in a specific layer. [DESKTOP-262785]

    • Addressed a crash issue when trying to render a 3D solid in an attached drawing on MacOS. [DESKTOP-259464]

    • Correct the display issue with incorrect Line (LineType). [DESKTOP-265653]

    • Fix the issue where points, except for transparency 0, are not displayed. [DESKTOP-259214]

    • Smooth navigation: Cursor no longer gets stuck during Zoom In/Out for improved performance. [DESKTOP-257223]

    • Fix the issue of the image disappearing when zooming in with ARES Commander and Undet Point cloud plugin. [DESKTOP-269265]

  • User Interface:

    • Fixed a crash issue when changing the language via the command window [DESKTOP-255969]

    • All letters are now correctly typed in QInput prompt with the SHIFT key combination under commands like LAYER or BIMSECTION. [DESKTOP-276065]

    • Prevent the disappearance of toolbars, except for Standard, when changing the workspace. [DESKTOP-252418]

    • "Model" tab is now correctly shown when opening a drawing saved in a sheet. [DESKTOP-263158]

    • Fixed an issue where the custom name of a flyout tool was not removable in Tool Palettes. [DESKTOP-233699]

    • Fixed *MacOS* and *Linux* issue: Options on the ribbon panel are now correctly displayed without being "active/grayed" out. [DESKTOP-267126]

    • Fixed MIRROR command issue: QINPUT prompt no longer goes missing, and focus remains in the command line on MacOS. [DESKTOP-95752]

    • Enhance the alias search functionality in ARES. [DESKTOP-119575]

    • Ensure the migration of icon images with Japanese names from AutoCAD. [DESKTOP-228113]

    • Addressed an issue where users were unable to open the Help for VIEWNAVIGATOR. [DESKTOP-256656]

    • Resolved an issue where the "One or more constraints cannot be resolved" message appeared when inserting a block from the tool palette. [DESKTOP-230204]

    • NOTE / SIMPLENOTE command no longer terminates when calling help with the F1 key, preventing loss of changes. [DESKTOP-259548]

    • Enhanced navigation: Added a Back button in VERIFYSTANDARDS dialog box for easier user navigation. [DESKTOP-257605]

    • Fixed a crash issue in the Options dialog search widget when using the Korean language. [DESKTOP-267552]

    • Ensure accurate display of LineColor in the Properties palette after restarting ARES. [DESKTOP-110785]

    • Enhanced options: Added the ability to select multiple layers to ignore for standard violation in VERIFYSTANDARDS. [DESKTOP-257621]

    • User-friendly resizing: VERIFYSTANDARDS dialog can now be resized for better usability. [DESKTOP-257598]

    • Alphabetical order fix: Layer names are now correctly sorted in VERIFYSTANDARDS command. [DESKTOP-257596]

  • BIM Features:

    • Addressed a crash issue when opening a BIM Drawing from the recent list after mapping materials of circular walls. [DESKTOP-264114]

    • Improved consistency in the layout (Line Weight) when creating sections in BIM Drawing. [DESKTOP-263425]

    • Drawing tabs no longer flash in the middle of GA upon closing any drawing tab in BIM. [DESKTOP-253314]

    • Addressed a crash occurring during the execution of the BIMAUTOALL command when comparing BIM Drawings. [DESKTOP-244950]

    • Enhanced stability: Application no longer gets stuck when using BIMAUTOALL in a sheet. [DESKTOP-265149]

    • Enhanced import stability: Addressed a crash issue during the import of a particular RFA file in BIM Navigator. [DESKTOP-239157]

    • No more error echo in commands when BIMSECTION cutting plane is not normal to Walls. [DESKTOP-260897]

    • Graphical area now updates properly even when discarding a BIM Navigator filter saving process. [DESKTOP-246313]

    • Resolved Print operation issues in BIM Drawing Automation: Callouts no longer disappear, and fields in the title block are not broken in the PDF file. [DESKTOP-261403]

    • Addressed an issue where some elements were not properly measured after executing BIM-Dimension in Automation. [DESKTOP-253064]

    • BIMSECTION is now correctly linked by name to a model, preventing incorrect output for identical names. [DESKTOP-257531]

    • BIM Drawing is now completely visible after being placed on a sheet. [DESKTOP-264611]

    • Ensured consistent tile numbering in BIMSPLITDRAWING across Windows and MacOS. [DESKTOP-263991]

    • The "Place on sheet" button in BIM Navigator is now active when a tile is selected in BIMSPLITDRAWING. [DESKTOP-264498]

    • Resolved a crash issue when using the BIM Material Mapper to map materials. [DESKTOP-262243]

    • Viewport boundaries are now hidden by default, preventing accidental deletion of viewports from sheets in BIM. [DESKTOP-262486]

    • Enhanced material mapping operation: The "Material Mapping" operation in BIM Automation now includes in the refresh. [DESKTOP-234870]

    • Fixed the issue of an invalid 3-way join in RVT Wall Join for accurate drawings. [DESKTOP-256533]

  • Cloud and Commenting:

    • Improved Cloud Storage Upload: Progress state now accurately reflects availability, even when storage is full. [DESKTOP-257227]

    • Folders now correctly reappear upon clicking in the "Ares Commander" cloud. [DESKTOP-260269]

    • Deleting text from Title no longer removes text from the description, maintaining user mentions. [DESKTOP-262488]

  • API and Customization:

    • Ensure the correct display of dialogs in a specific environment. [DESKTOP-261025]

    • Address the error preventing the loading of .dcl files with the LISP load_dialog function. [DESKTOP-255133]

    • Address the initget function error related to ortho mode. [DESKTOP-264146]

    • Fix the Lisp error occurring when creating arc with a small radius. [DESKTOP-260366]

    • Correct the description of the icon location when loading .cuix files. [DESKTOP-125208]

    • Restored functionality: Clicking on a button on the panel preview in CUSTOMIZE now performs the intended action. [DESKTOP-264499]

    • Include an installer parameter to hide the Migration Assistance dialog and execute migration. [DESKTOP-267792]

    • Adding a new Ribbon Panel no longer breaks the "Parameters Manager" button in customization. [DESKTOP-183097]

    • Fixed read-only issue on Linux: *Tool palettes* CUSTOMIZETP > config can now be modified after palette Export > Import back. [DESKTOP-237870]

    • Provide an installation option to uncheck "Use system proxy server configuration." [DESKTOP-265344]

    • Include line styles migration in the Migration Assistance process. [DESKTOP-265721]

    • Ensure migration of the Fonts folder during the installation process. [DESKTOP-266020]

    • Migration process: Line styles in INCH.LIN and MM.LIN files now migrate from the old version. [DESKTOP-267817]

    • Correct the presence of Lisp files in the Add-in list when not migrated to the Support folder of the new version. [DESKTOP-266024]

    • Copy all UI files to the new UI folder during Migration Assistance execution. [DESKTOP-111802]

    • Ensure migration of the RichLine Styles folder during the installation process. [DESKTOP-266021]

  • External References:

    • Prevent crashes when clicking the OK button on the Attach Reference PDF Underlay dialog. [DESKTOP-279300]

    • Resolved a crash issue when changing the path of a DGN file in ATTACHDGN. [DESKTOP-232063]

    • Improved identification: GEOTIFF now recognized as such in ATTACHIMAGE command. [DESKTOP-257924]

  • License:

    • Enhanced display: Network License Manager now looks better in various display scalings. [DESKTOP-243290]

    • Improved suggestion: Network License Manager now automatically suggests another port if port 2700 is busy. [DESKTOP-243292]

Build No. (SP2) - Released 05/10/2023

Note: The ARES Commander 2024 SP2 version does not yet support macOS 14.0 (Sonoma). The support is planned for Service Pack 3 in the beginning of next year.

  • Main enhancements:

    • User Mention in Comments - Enhance collaboration by allowing users to mention and notify specific team members in comments, facilitating direct communication and seamless project discussions.

    • MacOS Print Dialog Enhancement - Streamline printing processes for MacOS users by implementing a more intuitive and unified print dialog, matching the experience of Windows/Linux users.

    • BIM Wall Junction Support for Revit Models - Extend BIM capabilities by introducing support for precise wall junctions in Revit Models, enhancing accuracy and realism in building designs.

    • Splitting BIM Drawing into Viewports on Sheets - Empower users with greater flexibility by enabling the division of BIM Drawings into viewports on sheets, facilitating detailed comparisons and analyses.

    • BIM Dimension Chain Enhancements for Wall Alignment - Optimize the dimensioning process by enhancing Dimension Chain functionality to support annotating outer walls and aligning them precisely with specific walls.

    • Stability Enhancements - We've improved the reliability of the DATALINK and FLATTEN commands while also enhancing constraints stability. These enhancements contribute to a more stable and efficient workflow, empowering you to create with confidence.

  • Open and Save:

    • Fixed the issue where ARES Commander 2024 SP1 failed to start due to an improper OpenSSL version under OpenSUSE 15.4.

    • Implemented the locking of DWT files under the local user folder when creating a new drawing.

    • Improved behavior to prevent the creation of DWL and DWL2 lock files when opening a file in Read Only-Mode.

    • Improved the OPEN command to reduce the time it takes to open drawing files in a specific customer's environment.

    • Optimized memory usage, which previously seemed to consume 100MB per reopening of some files.

    • Resolved the issue on MacOS for both Intel and M1 processors where the application was unable to open drawings in other file formats (excluding .dwg) via the system file dialog.

  • Print, export and sheets:

    • Addressed the issue where a PDF file became corrupt when a drawing contained TIF images, resulting in an "Insufficient data for an image" error from Adobe.

    • Addressed the issue where BATCHPRINT would halt the printing process when encountering a Read-Only file.

    • Addressed the issue where Print and Batch Print results were incorrect after zooming while changing CCS.

    • Adjusted the printing of underlines for SIMPLENOTE entities to ensure they are not printed out thin.

    • Corrected the direction of @HGSGothicM text when printed out to ensure it is accurate.

    • Corrected the problem where some Japanese characters were missing when printed.

    • Corrected the problem where the cursor disappeared in GA and command execution got stuck after printing to a file with the ANGLE profile.

    • Ensured that the PACKANDGO (ETRANSMIT) command includes the PrintStyle table.

    • Fixed problems related to adding Adobe PDF Page Sizes.

    • Fixed the problem where a part of the text had the wrong color when printing to PDF.

    • Fixed the problem where the active sheet would shift to the right after selection.

    • Fixed the problem where the wrong color was printed for a part of a polyline when using the internal PDF printer.

    • Improved BATCHPRINT to ensure that the preview for a sheet displays the correct geometry from the corresponding drawing.

    • Resolved the issue where active viewports at the same time were not following the MAXACTVP setting.

    • Resolved the issue where the output was cropped during printing when the print range was set to Sheet and offsets were not 0.

    • Resolved the issue where the print stamp was not visible on the output after plotting.

  • Geometry draw or modification:

    • Addressed issues Property Painter that occurred between viewports.

    • Addressed the problem of incorrect results when modifying associative arrays using grips in the attached drawing.

    • Addressed the problem where specifying points in HATCH resulted in an 'Error' when the boundary was a specific HATCHPATTERN result.

    • Adjusted the behavior of the associative linear pattern to prevent an increase in the row count in the opposite direction when a negative value in the vertical axis is used during stretching with the Grip.

    • Corrected the issue where constraints were breaking after performing a copy and paste operation.

    • Corrected the issue where Hatch did not consider the Attribute text bounding box when more than one attribute was present in the hatch boundary.

    • Corrected the issue with incorrect layer selection in Additional Options within the HATCH command.

    • Corrected the problem where RichLine styles were changing when performing trim, extend, or PowerTrim operations.

    • Enhanced the behavior of Hatch to ensure it is associative with block contours even when gaps are present.

    • Ensured that Associative Patterns move correctly with the STRETCH command.

    • Ensured that pre-selection of other objects is now cleared when starting the break line command.

    • Ensured that the result of the GETMASSPROPERTIES (MASSPROP) command matches AutoCAD's behavior.

    • Fixed the hang-up issue that occurred when specifying a point for the HATCH command in a specific drawing file.

    • Fixed the hang-up issue that occurred when specifying polylines with width for Corner Trim.

    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect result occurred when joining 2 polylines and selecting them by (END)point coordinates, not respecting the properties of the first selected polyline.

    • Fixed the issue where HATCH pattern lines did not have the same spacing as the source hatch after using the "Mirror" command.

    • Fixed the issue where the entity option did not work when converting geometry created from Arcs and lines using Revcloud.

    • Fixed the issue where the layer couldn't be switched off after using NCOPY on an LWPOLYLINE contour in Metrica.

    • Fixed the problem where a duplicate hatch was created and an error occurred when creating a hatch inside a boundary containing a 'Block with dimension.'

    • Fixed the problem where the angle of a line drawn with Parallel esnap was incorrect when Angle Precision for the Unit System was set to 0.

    • Fixed the problem where the value of user-defined Dimensional Constraints remained unchanged when moving the constraint grip.

    • Fixed the visualization for blocks with bound view edited by clip points during drag operations with commands like COPY or MOVE.

    • Implemented a fix to ensure that Hatch assumes the new boundary as expected.

    • Implemented the UNISOLATEENTITIES command in the right-click menu when entities are isolated.

    • Made improvements to image clipboard paste functionality.

    • On MIRROR command Preview entities is rendering on cursor movement when prompt asking for the delete source entity.

    • Optimized the process for changing the color of entities in some specific drawings to reduce processing time.

    • Resolved the issue where closed 'non-intersecting' richlines were incorrectly trimmed during Power Trim.

    • Resolved the issue where entities were being selected in clipped areas when using XCLIP.

    • Resolved the issue where PUSHPULL was not recognizing holes on the faces of solids.

    • Resolved the issue where VERIFYSTANDARDS gave incorrect results after a font replacement.

    • Resolved the unexpected behavior where ARES was replacing text data from '\' to '\\' in AEC Property set data for each loaded drawing.

    • Restored the display of the number of added segments in PEDIT when editing polylines or adding polyline segments.

    • Restored the functionality where the 'Space' key can be used as 'Enter' after 'TEXTFRAME' in XtraTools.

    • Restored the visibility of grips for *Associative Patterns* in the block editor.

  • Blocks and Data extraction:

    • Enabled the activation of the option in the *Dynamic Block* Properties Table when selected from the "Contextual Grip" menu.

    • Fixed the flags for clipping boundary data for clipped Block References.

    • Fixed the issue where the FIND command was not recognizing Block attributes text.

    • Fixed the problem where the 'Cell Range' option in DATALINK did not support cell addresses in lowercase alphabets.

    • Resolved the issue where the anonymous block name was displayed when editing a specific block using EDITXBLOCKATTRIBUTE.

    • Resolved the issue where visibility states of Dynamic Blocks were not functioning as expected when selected from the grip menu in certain drawings.

  • Annotations:

    • Addressed the issue of being unable to create entities in the active XY plane and add leaders to multileaders created with the 2023 version of ARES Commander in MULTILEADER.

    • Addressed the issue of unexpected displacement of the LEADER line during text editing.

    • Aligned the position of a specific dimension text to match AutoCAD's behavior.

    • Corrected the alignment problem of 'Underline' in MULTILEADER when 'Underline top line' was selected for the right attachment property.

    • Ensured that the editor is visible when entering text using the SIMPLENOTE/NOTE command.

    • Fixed text size increase for each line in EDITNOTE after modification, particularly when words have varying fonts and properties.

    • Fixed the issue of incorrect text alignment during text editing in the Note Editor.

    • Fixed the issue where formatting was not preserved when pasting Excel data as a table in ARES.

    • Fixed the problem where the tracking factor was not applied to notes after closing the editor.

    • Improved the 'Find' feature to display adjacent entities when zooming to a found string under a reference drawing.

    • Preserved prefix and suffix information when editing table cells in Table Formula.

    • Resolved compatibility issues with DimensionStyle, ensuring that the command returns without errors.

    • Resolved issue where dimensions containing tolerance values didn't move with grips when the 'Move with Leader' option was applied.

    • Resolved issue where the warning info dialog didn't reappear in EDITTABLE when canceling the first attempt to change a cell's data type.

  • Graphic System:

    • Addressed the issue on MacOS where certain 3D solids became invisible when applying SHADE.

    • Fixed the issue where the graphics area displayed no geometry when 'Find' results were generated in the list.

    • OpenGL Core profile was reenabled as default for Intel GPUs to improve stability.

    • Optimized the switching process between Model and Layouts to reduce the time delay.

    • Prevented the selection of unwanted blocks in the upper right corner of objects in the drawing.

    • Resolved the problem on MacOS where many 3D solids were not visible in the viewports of sheet space when using SHADEMODE.

  • User Interface:

    • Addressed the issue with broken application graphics and application getting stuck when moving the ARES window between the primary and secondary screens.

    • Addressed translation issues in the Korean language for the Startup dialog and License Agreement dialog.

    • Alias dialog widgets are resized following dialog size.

    • Corrected the behavior where layer properties were getting updated after editing the property of a locked layer entity from the "Property Palette."

    • Corrected the problem where the cursor would disappear in the Graphics Area when using tools from the "ribbon/palette" area and moving the cursor across the "Angle" input of the navigator ring in View Navigator.

    • Eliminated the flashing that occurred when switching between drawing tabs in the core profile.

    • Fixed the issue where Japanese prompts were displayed as garbage when the encoding of the script file was ANSI.

    • Fixed the problem where the 'OK' button in the HYPERLINK Dialog Box did not activate after selecting any file.

    • Improved command auto-complete behavior by considering the space-bar as an ENTER key press after auto-completing a command in the command window.

    • Resolved the issue where the "Cursor" disappeared and the mode changed to "Pointer" when dragging a "Non-draggable" item from the palette to the Graphics Area (GA).

    • Restored the functionality of mid-string search in autocomplete, which was no longer working.

  • BIM Features:

    • Corrected the issue where the BIM Label text size did not adhere to the template settings and was erroneously increased in meters.

    • Corrected the occurrence of invalid 2D geometry appearing in sections in BIM.

    • Fixed the issue in BIM Material where the multi-component wall material sequence was incorrect.

    • Fixed the problem where mapping long material names with BIMMATERIALMAPPER would shift (truncate) the palette to the left at 150% scaling.

    • Improved the accuracy of facade entity representation in BIM Elevation.

    • Now, BIM Drawings with BIM dimension chains fit properly within the viewport upon 'Reload'.

    • Resolved the issue where certain entities were missing during the import of an IFC file in BIM.

    • Resolved the problem where ARES would get stuck at 66% when importing the attached file.

    • The BIM Drawing Viewport size no longer increases after placement.

    • Undo functionality now works correctly after replacing a BIM Model using 'Reload from..'.

    • Viewport now displays the correct results, with no size or location changes, even after being placed on a sheet, resized using grips, and clicking on 'reload.'

  • Cloud and Commenting:

    • Improved the behavior of Cloud Storage to display a relevant message when attempting to save a drawing on cloud storage with insufficient space.

  • API and Customization:

    • Fixed the Dream Plugin issue where TEXT entities were not deleted, and GetPoint("message") was duplicating errors.

    • Fixed the problem where .NET ARES was not loading the localized resource DLL file.

  • Help Improvements:

    • Ensure that the DINSERT command directs to the 'dinsert' help instead of the 'welcome page' help.

    • Enable the opening of the help topic in the Select Block dialog by clicking the help button in PATTERNHATCH.

    • Revise the help topic for "Sharing Drawings Publicly" under *Cloud Storage* to reflect the latest options.

    • Update the help documents related to the *RIBBON* on Unix systems.

    • Include information in the Help about using the shortcut key (cmd+up/down arrow key) to navigate through Tool Palette tabs on macOS.

    • Resolve the issue where the shortcut key (cmd + h) for toggling group selection is not functioning on macOS.

    • Provide missing help documentation for 'Print settings' and 'Tool palettes settings' in the 'Migration Assistance' section.

    • Ensure that help documentation for 'Page Layout Manager' is available on macOS.

    • Correct the mention of the default value in the Help description of the HPGAPTOL system variable.

    • Include the missing help topic for "Tool Palettes File Locations" under Options > File Locations > Interface.

    • Ensure that clicking on "MEASUREMENT" from the main window opens the correct help document.

    • Fix the issue where the "Help" button in DATAEXTRACTION does not work in Step 5 of 8.

    • Resolve the problem of a blank empty window opening when clicking the help button in 3DFINDIT/MAKEFLATSNAPSHOT on macOS.

    • Include the ribbon access path for Constraints in the Help Document.

    • Provide the access path in the Help document for ROTATE3D, MIRROR3D, and PATTERN3D.

  • External References:

    • Addressed the issue where Xref cloud references were not uploaded to Dropbox Storage when saving a drawing.

    • Fixed the problem where XREF Binding lost the clipping boundary connection due to conversion between different CAD applications.

    • Resolved the problem where Layer Settings in the Main Drawing were not being updated through the XREF-Manager when certain XREF-Layers were removed.

  • Application stability improvements:

    On this release many areas were improved to avoid unexpected behaviors that lead to closing the application, below a summary.


3D Features:

Custom blocks:








Tool Palettes





3D Findit


Material Mapper







Table Field Formular


Design Resources





Dynamic Blocks

Graphic System:


Zoom In/Out (Sheets)



Selection (All)


Japanese OS Filesystem

Thread safety

Lisp Debugger

Dimension Styles

ARender importer DGN



Export WMF





Cloud Storage (General, XRefs)

Clipboard Copy





Build No. (SP1.1) - Released 31/07/2023

In this release, numerous areas have been improved to prevent unexpected behaviors that may cause the application to close. Below is a summary of the changes:

  • Event Handling

  • Threading operations

  • Trackers

  • Rendering

  • Printing

  • Licensing

  • Voicenote

  • Cycling Selection

  • Layers

  • Plugins

Build No. (SP1) - Released 15/06/2023

  • Main enhancements:

    • MacOS ARM-based systems are supported natively.

    • Drawing order command enhancements.

    • Add support to display Menu Bar and Ribbon.

    • DIMSPACE Command.

    • Ability to insert multiple XRefs at once.

    • Revit 2023 file format support for BIM Features.

  • Open and Save:

    • SMARTNEW command takes the wrong template after changing the application language.

    • Drawing Recovery Manager was not allowing open autosave files.

    • Fixed issue to open shape files that display a warning message about color not matching.

    • Startup time improvements with AMD Graphics Adapter.

    • Command alias wasn't copied by Migration Assistance.

  • Print, export and sheets:

    • Improvements to honor the viewport limits on printing.

    • Fixed issues with displaying or printing preview text with a specific font.

    • Some specific hatches were not printed with the "Adobe PDF" printer.

    • Incorrect behavior of the spinning wheel when printing multiple sheets, it shows progress for each sheet instead of progress for the printing process.

    • On Linux, "Custom paper size" is no longer displayed correctly (it contains artifacts)

    • BATCHPRINT command was not generating output for some page layout settings.

    • "Print to file" option not enabled even after selecting the Printer Name.

    • Specific pattern entities are not displayed on sheets.

    • To activate a viewport was taking a long time for some specific drawings.

    • The EXPORTSHEET command missed some geometries in output when the viewport was created from the region.

  • Geometry draw or modification:

    • The display of hatch patterns was incorrect.

    • Improvements to display hatches on some specific files.

    • MAKEFLATSNAPSHOT command was hanging when solid entities in large coordinates.

    • Hatch is getting failed with closed boundaries as well in the attached drawing(closed boundary combinations with arcs)

    • Closed spline entity appears as not closed (Open boundary detected) at a specific zoom level.

    • The command BREAKLINE fixed to support modified CCS..

    • Fixed the application hang when rotate or move hatch "AR-SAND" in some specific file.

    • Error when trimming "RichLine".

    • All lines are not loaded when load the Richline style

    • Cannot cancel "Analyzing boundaries...", Application hangs

    • XtraTools command was not included on undo list.

    • Right-click menu option is not automatically popup at Qinput prompt


    • "Hatch spacing too dense, or dash size too small" appears when annotative text is within a boundary.

    • Parallel lines can't be created with a specified length,

    • EDITHATCH command was deleting the hatch when use "Highlight boundary entities" after another operation.

    • Hatch pattern is not finding Attribute Block / Block as a Text in the "Normal" mode in the internal region.

    • The MOVE command was allowed to move dimensional constraints independent of associated entities.

    • Unable to create a hatch in multiple "Open" contours in one go using "Specify points".

    • Importing a PDF some hatch has "Shattered" appearance.

    • Application was hanging when selecting entities for Hatch command.

    • Hatch is not created on blocks with multiple closed areas.

    • Copy and paste improvements for blocks.

  • Blocks and Data extraction:

    • Highlighting behaviour changes after quitting Block Editor without saving

    • On Tool Palettes properties of the tool are not retained when executing the last tool via ENTER/SPACEBAR key.

    • The Block was not rendered correctly after editing and when inserted.

    • "Error" message when inserting the "Custom/dynamic block" tool in GA in the attached drawing.

  • Annotations:

    • Linear Dimension value is overridden even when the user types the value.

    • SimpleNote wasn't mirrored correctly.

    • Text in "SimpleNote" / "Note" disappears when performing the Zoom In command.

    • Multileader arrow angle and text position was improved.

    • When notes are put into a note editor, Hindi or other Indian language texts are incorrect and numerous strings are lost.

    • Unit of cell data lost after editing without any warning.

    • When the user selects the "Landing Line First" option in the multileader command, the landing point is continuously going down.

    • Multileader text and landing line reverted after editing in attached drawing.

    • Text spacing was wrong in the 2024 version and doesn't regard the changes correctly.

    • When the user clicks on the graphical area or clicks the "Create Note" button the changes on table cell formula are not accepted.

  • Graphic System:

    • Geometries disappear in the viewport when zoom in / zoom out.

    • Entities disappear when run PAN command outside the graphical area boundary on sheet space.

    • Decrease memory consumption related to Graphical System improvements.

    • Zoom in or out performance improvements after selecting some entities.

    • Preview (tracker) was not generated for the 2nd instance and next

    • Performance improvements in specific scenarios.

  • User Interface:

    • Unable to run commands after run commands to get distance, angle and area.

    • Some button labels were cropped with scale more than 100% on Retina Monitor.

    • Add a message to notify the user if the drawing is not valid on the Recovery command.

    • "Select All" button on the FIND Command dialog wasn't working.

    • The FIND Command search list wasn't saving the last expression searched.

    • "View Tiles" toolbar scale control was not updated when migrating settings from previous versions.

    • Useless RGB colors added to colors list for a hatch pattern tool.

    • On the Customize dialog, Interface tab, Quick access toolbar, "Show command explorer" & RMB context menu no longer work.

    • Alias pgp file wasn't imported in the correct way.

    • Load cuix files by adding more commands than what defined on the file.

    • Wrong Workspace name when new one is saved.

  • BIM Features:

    • BIM Models were not visually correct in different shademodes (many BIM Elements are no longer visible in Shademode = 2D).

    • Conversion did not consistently work when importing multiple BIM Files, sometimes stopping and crashing as well on pressing ESC key.

    • Cursor sticks with Mirror grip after clicking over it (Stretch command gets executed).

    • On the BIM Navigator, Drawings Category remains active after removing the BIM file

    • In white background model some BIM elements weren't visible correctly.

    • Incorrect display of windows for BIMSECTION > "Plan" command

    • The cut graphics properties associated with BIM Section entities are not properly applied.

  • Cloud and Commenting:

    • Unable to see permission dialog for files shared by other users as view-only.

    • After saving the drawing to cloud storage and opening it on another device with the same user, the editing session is not switched to view-only mode on the first Device.

  • API and Customization:

    • Function strlen returns wrong string length for unicode strings.

    • Initget function wasn't working if control bits parameter provided after keywords.

    • DCL dialogs support Dark UI style.

  • External References:

    • Images clipped were considered hidden parts when performing cross selection.

    • Slow performance when opening drawing having external reference.

    • "One or more externally referenced documents could not be loaded." message on opening drawing with XRef and referenced file layer is frozen.

  • Application stability improvements:On this release many areas was improved to avoid unexpected behaviors that lead on close the application, below a summary:

    • Commands: Trim, Find, Batchprint, Powertrim, Loft

    • UI: toolbar close

    • Cloud Storage / Commenting

    • BIM

    • XRef on cloud

    • Tool Palettes

    • Dimension style

    • SheetSet Manager

    • Datalink

    • GS / Previews: Select entity

Build No. (SP0.1) - Released 22/05/2023

  • Geometry draw or modification:

    • Layer state changes now correctly freeze layers in the active viewport.

    • Copying a certain element was freezing the application.

  • Blocks and Data extraction:

    • Dynamic block redefinition changed visibility state.

    • Custom block redefinition lost the stretched values.

  • Graphic System:

    • Issues with displaying or printing preview text with a specific font.

  • Application stability improvements:

    • Associativity Array

    • Blocks

    • External References cloud support

    • Graphics System

    • Insert Objects

    • PDF Import

    • Print

    • Richline styles

    • Sheet Set Manager

    • Sheets

    • Startup

    • Threading

    • Tool Palettes

    • Trim lines

    • Undo operation for specific file

Build No. (SP0) - Released 04/04/2023




Import/export collections of customized tools and data previously created with AutoCAD to ensure a smooth migration of your users to ARES. You can also create new tool palettes, and share them with other ARES Commander or AutoCAD users in the same *.xtp file format as AutoCAD.



The well-known ribbon user interface (UI) in the Windows version of ARES Commander can now be used in the MacOS and Linux versions. Enjoy the benefits of the contextual ribbons, which provide a seamless experience across all platforms.



Flat snapshots (alias flatshots in AutoCAD®) generate 2D representations of 3D objects, based on the current viewpoint. New options are introduced to better differentiate what is visible and what is hidden in the background. The new FLATTEN command is furthermore introduced to convert 3D entities into a 2D projection. It is also useful to solve issues with entities whose elevation is not properly set.



Surveyors use total stations to collect exact coordinates of specific elements on the field. The new TopoPoints module enables users to import/export these points in ARES Commander, with support for file formats used by total stations from Leica (GSI 8 or 16), Trimble (CSV), and others (custom text).



In previous versions of ARES Commander, we introduced the unique ability to import BIM projects (IFC or Revit) and extract 2D drawings — such as floorplans, elevations, or sections — that can be enriched and saved in DWG. The new feature automates this process, generating a set of drawings with a script that can be customized by the user.



Create block libraries that will follow you on all your computers or mobile devices in ARES Commander, ARES Kudo, and ARES Touch. The Trinity Block Library also makes it easy to use one consistent block library for all the users of your organization. The blocks are stored in the cloud, so any update to the library is instantly available to all your users!



In addition to DWG, you can now open PDF files with ARES Touch on Android and iOS. The PDF files can not only be viewed, but also converted to DWG with the new PDF Import feature. After conversion, you can modify the drawing, then save it in DWG or export it back to PDF.



The new Flex Cloud license is a Trinity license (ARES Commander + ARES Kudo + ARES Touch) shared within a group of users. It enables users to reduce costs by mutualizing licenses, just like they can with traditional network licenses, but with the key advantage that Flex Cloud licenses are shared via the Internet. That means users can be located anywhere: in home offices, out of the office, or even in different countries…



New upgrade of the core DWG technology of ARES Commander enables significant improvements on a number of operations in this version. Select can be for example 50% faster than before, Copy and Paste 25% faster, and Undo can in some cases be as much as 8x faster.



Debugging LISP programs can sometimes be challenging. This new LISP Editor is a Visual Studio Code extension that enables you to easily edit and debug your code. For example, if there is an issue, the debugger will show you where your code is breaking — saving you precious time in isolating the problem!

System Requirements

Windows OS


  • 64-bit version: Microsoft® Windows® 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11 (with latest Updates and Service Packs)

  • Intel® Core™ 2 Duo, or AMD® Athlon™ X2 Dual-Core processor

  • 1.5 GB free hard disk space depending on accessory applications installed

  • 4 GB RAM

  • 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 1.4

  • Display with 1280 x 768 pixels resolution

  • Mouse


  • 64-bit version: Microsoft Windows 11 (with latest Updates and Service Packs)

  • Intel® Core™ i5 processor, AMD Athlon/Phenom™ X4 processor, or better.

  • 1.5 GB free hard disk space depending on accessory applications installed

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 3.2 or better

  • Full HD monitor

  • Wheel mouse, or 3D mouse


  • macOS v10.14 (Mojave), v10.15 (Catalina), or v11.0 (Big Sur)

  • Mac® with Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor or better

  • 4 GB of RAM (8 GB or more recommended)

  • 1.5 GB of available hard-disk space for installation

  • 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 1.4 (OpenGL version 3.2 or better recommended)

  • Display with 1280 x 768 pixels resolution, or better

  • Mouse


  • Ubuntu® 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS, Fedora® 33

  • Intel® Core™ 2 Duo, AMD® Athlon™ X2 Dual-Core processor, or better

  • 4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)

  • 1.5 GB of available hard-disk space for installation

  • 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 1.4 (OpenGL version 3.2 or better recommended)

  • Display with 1280 x 768 pixels resolution, or better

  • Mouse (Wheel mouse recommended)

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