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ARES Commander 2020 SP1 Release Notes

ARES, Commander, 2020 SP1, Release Notes

Christian Kramer avatar
Written by Christian Kramer
Updated over 3 years ago

Build No. 2020.1.1.2033 (SP1.1) - Release 25/06/2020


  1. The open performance for drawings improved if the Map plugin for ARES Commander was loaded.(DESKTOP-94196)

  2. A help switching issue is fixed under the different language settings.(DESKTOP-94082)

  3. Multiview blocks - Show only one plan symbol now, if multiple symbols for different standards exist in the BIM object.(DESKTOP-94067)

  4. The symbols in BIM drawings are displayed independently of the BIM models source language.(DESKTOP-93828)

  5. The text height of multileaders became bigger on double-click, when afterwards the create note button was used.(DESKTOP-90964)

  6. Improvements in the DISCARDDUPLICATES(OVERKILL) command for geometries with certain overlapping arcs.(DESKTOP-76960)

Build No. 2020.1.1.2024 (SP1) - Release 20/05/2020

New Commands(Windows only!):
Building Information Modeling(Windows 64-bit version only!):
BIMSection. Creates sections, elevations, details and plans from the BIM model. Materials are taken into account.
New Features(Windows only!):
Sheet Set Manager. You can use sheet sets to group sheets and manage or archive sheet sets as a unit. The Sheet Set Manager palette groups the functionalities for organizing named collections of drawing sheets.
The following commands are available:
SheetSet. Displays the Sheet Set Manager palette.
SheetSetHide. Hides the Sheet Set Manager palette.
NewSheetSet. Opens the Drawing Sheet Set Creation wizard and lets you create a new sheet set.
OpenSheetSet. Opens the specified .dst file and lists the contained sheets and sheet subsets in the Sheet Set Manager palette.
Batch Print option lets you print the drawing sheets from a specific sheet set.
Modified features and commands:
Drawing Compare
Supports DXF format.
Lets you export the comparison result.
Markups. Lets you display tags for picture recordings.
Application Menu has been reorganized(Windows only!).
ExportSAT command is available in the application menu: Export > Export ACIS SAT.
Import option groups now all import commands.

  1. Drawing Compare command: Supports the new file extension .dxf, .dwt & .dws.(DESKTOP-90809)

  2. Drawing Compare command: Saves the comparison results in a new drawing file.(DESKTOP-86589)

  3. New collaborate menu and panel added to access cloudstorage, comments & markups functions.(DESKTOP-89996)

  4. Markups: Includes new voice recording included with transcriptions display.(DESKTOP-88276, DESKTOP-89212)

  5. Picture Markups: Functionality enhanced to recognise the tags and display full size of picture recordings.(DESKTOP-89211, DESKTOP-89993)

  6. Cloudstorage: Stores the path of previously opened file.(DESKTOP-89932)

  7. SPLINE command: New option to select 2D polylines and convert them into splines.(DESKTOP-88714)

  8. The drawing scale factor can be set in the View Tiles toolbar.(DESKTOP-87695)

  9. Migration mechanism for PCX-files embedded.(DESKTOP-88959)

  10. Fillet command: Functionality added to select entities by window selection.(DESKTOP-47370)

  11. The display issue of Gravel hatch pattern at large coordinate values fixed.(DESKTOP-46001)

  12. TRIM command: The functionality to trim the entities on large coordinates improved.(DESKTOP-88229, DESKTOP-83413)

  13. SWEEP command: The functionality of sweep command for path entities improved.(DESKTOP-80154, DESKTOP-49027)

  14. MacOS X: The display quality of drawings under Retina display improved.(DESKTOP-77689)

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