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ARES Commander 2022 SP0.1 Release Notes
ARES Commander 2022 SP0.1 Release Notes

ARES, Commander, 2022 SP0.1, Release Notes, Service Pack 0

Christian Kramer avatar
Written by Christian Kramer
Updated over 3 years ago

Build No. 2021.0.1.1245 (SP0.1) - Release 01/04/2021

New Commands:

  • Editing Commands
    - EditSpline. Modifies the parameters and properties of Splines or converts spline-fit Polylines to Splines.

  • Working with Drawing Files
    - DrawingCompare. Displays the Drawing Compare palette which lets you visually compare two drawings and identify changes that occurred from one version of the drawing to another. HideDrawingCompare hides the palette.
    - DrawingHistory. Displays the Version Manager palette. Lets you compare the current drawing with previously saved versions maintained by a supported Cloud Storage. HideDrawingHistory hides the palette.

  • Drawing Sheet Sets
    The Sheet Set Manager palette groups the functionalities for creating, organizing, and managing drawing sheets within a drawing sheet set.
    - SheetSet. Displays the Sheet Set Manager palette. HideSheetSet hides the palette.
    - NewSheetSet. Opens the Create Drawing Sheet Set wizard which lets you create drawing sheet sets based on existing drawings that contain sheets.
    - OpenSheetSet. Loads drawing sheet sets (.dst file) into the Sheet Set Manager palette.

  • Building Information Modeling (64bit version only)
    - BIMSection. Creates section, elevation, and plan drawings from a BIM model.
    - BIMMaterialMapper. Displays the Material Mapper palette which lets you map BIM material names to the material available in the BIM Drawings Materials Styles Library.

  • User Interface
    - ModelBackgroundColor. Lets you specify the background color for the graphics area. ToggleXPStyle. Controls the appearance of Windows dialog boxes, such as Open and Save.

  • Exporting and Importing
    - ImportSTLasMesh. Imports stereolithography files (STL) and inserts the contained geometry as subdivision mesh objects (SubDMeshes) into the drawing.

  • Printing
    - PageLayoutIn. Imports user-defined page layouts contained in other drawing files (.dwg), drawing exchange files (.dxf), or drawing template files (.dwt) into the current drawing.

  • Utility commands
    - AppCast command. Displays notifications about Service Packs and Updates for the application in a dialog box.

New Features:

  • Checking spelling as you type. Lets you check the spelling of text entities as you type, both for SimpleNotes and for Notes.

Modified Features and Commands:

  • Spline command enhancements. Splines can be defined either with fit points, or with control vertices. Accordingly, you can apply two corresponding methods. The implementation of the Control Vertices method lets specify control points, not fit points through which the Spline passes.
    New options of the Spline command include:
    - Fit points method, Knots option. Determines the method used to fuse the curves between consecutive fit points within a Spline.
    - Control vertices method, Degree option. Specifies the degree for subsequent Spline constructions. You can create Splines of degree 1 (linear), degree 2 (quadratic), degree 3 (cubic), and so on up to degree 10.

  • Print dialog box redesigned. Additional options available on the main dialog box instead of a subdialog.

  • Fields support for Drawing Sheet Sets. You can use Drawing Sheet Set custom properties as fields in your drawings, for example in title blocks.

New System Variables:

Spline creation and editing

  • SPLMETHOD. Determines whether the fit points method or the control vertices method applies when creating Splines.

  • SPLDEGREE. Determines the default degree setting for subsequent Spline constructions.

  • SPLKNOTS. Determines the default knot computational method for the Spline command when the fit points method is active (Knots option).

  • PLINECONVERTMODE. Determines whether Polylines are created with linear or arc segments when converting Splines to Polylines.

Sheet Sets

  • SSFOUND. Returns the sheet set path and file name in search result.

  • SSLOCATE. Specifies whether the sheet set associated with a drawing is located and opened together with the drawing.

  • SSMAUTOOPEN. Controls the Sheet Set Manager behavior when opening a drawing associated with a sheet.

  • SSMPOLLTIMES. Sets the time interval (in seconds) for refreshing the sheet status in a sheet set.

  • SSMSHEETSTATUS. Specifies the refresh method of the status data in a sheet set.

  • SSMSTATE. Returns whether the Sheet Set Manager is open or closed.


  1. SPLINE: New EDITSPLINE command added for modifying spline properties.(DESKTOP-42907)

  2. IMPORTPDF command: PDF files paper size and PDF scale information added in dialog box.(DESKTOP-96128)

  3. New VERSIONHISTORY palette added to compare the current drawing state with previous version of cloud storages drawings.(DESKTOP-92789)

  4. DRAWINGCOMPARE command: Undo/Redo functions support added to check previous state of comparison.(DESKTOP-87623)

  5. SHEETSET command: Support of Architectural, Civil, Mechanical and others drawing sheet set templates added.(DESKTOP-87939)

  6. VIEWS command: Functionality added to highlight the selected boundary area in graphics area.(DESKTOP-85156)

  7. REFEDIT command: “Prompt to Select Nested Blocks” option added which will allow to select a particular entity from a nested block.(DESKTOP-97231)

  8. BIM: New BIMDIMENSIONCHAIN and BIMDIMENSIONEDIT commands added for BIM entities dimension.(DESKTOP-99231; DESKTOP-103433)

  9. BIM: BIMDIMENSIONSTYLE dialog added to modify dimension chain properties.(DESKTOP-103430)

  10. BIM: New BIMLABEL command added to add labels on BIM categories.(DESKTOP-104182)

  11. FILED command support of BIM entities selection added.(DESKTOP-103823)

  12. PRINT: Functionality added to replace "DWG To PDF.pc3" Page layouts drivers with ARES PDF built-in printer under OPTIONS.(DESKTOP-95404)

  13. Cloud Storage palette: New folder added for deleted files to restore or delete permanently files from RMB.(DESKTOP-98030; DESKTOP-103806; DESKTOP-103805)

  14. New Online help palette added to access the products articles and tutorials within application.(DESKTOP-102458)

  15. PALETTES Icons and toggle functionality of palettes added.(DESKTOP-10037

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