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ARES Commander 2022 SP2 Release Notes

ARES, Commander, 2022 SP2, Service Pack 2, Release Notes

Written by Rodrigo Leiria
Updated over 3 years ago

Build No. (SP2) - Release 18/08/2021

New Enhancements:

CLOUD STORAGE: The palette received some small changes on layout to improve usability (DESKTOP-103573).
EXPLODETEXT: The command was added on Xtratools "Classic" menu (DESKTOP-104694).
PASTE: Add option to paste at source position on mouse right-click (DESKTOP-94242).

TABLET: New option to enable or disable Tablet support (DESKTOP-105659).

ANNOTATION SCALE: ARES crash when add or remove annotation scale (DESKTOP-121361).
ATTACHDGN: Crash attaching DGN file (DESKTOP-107324).
BIMDIMENSIONSTYLE: Crash on executing command after rename the dimension style and change style via properties (DESKTOP-109390).
BLOCK: Lines inside block do not display correct line type (DESKTOP-115766).
CECOLOR: Some colors are considered invalid (DESKTOP-114779).
CLOUD STORAGE: DXF files stored on cloud can't be saved back. (DESKTOP-106854).
CLOUD STORAGE: Fixed "Share Options" button is not enabled (DESKTOP-111188).
CLOUD STORAGE: Fixed crash when try save a file open from cloud storage and the file was removed by the user (DESKTOP-99041).
CLOUD STORAGE: Fixed the user can't logout after saving the file (DESKTOP-107392).
COMMENTS: No notification from comments in Kudo to Commander on a newly created drawing (DESKTOP-115370).
CONTINUEDIMENSION: Dimension text is incorrect on CCS changed (DESKTOP-43220).
CUSTOM BLOCK: Some entities disappear when saving a custom block (DESKTOP-99716).
CUSTOM BLOCK: Using EGrips on custom block edit mode makes the hatch unassociated (DESKTOP-106362).
CUSTOMIZE: The dialog size is not automatically updated when clicking on "Show ribbon explorer" (DESKTOP-106797).
DIMENSION: Angular dimension text is rotated 180 degrees when moved (DESKTOP-90460).
DIMENSION: Edit dimension style makes dimension invisible (DESKTOP-106422).
DYNAMIC BLOCKS: Entities incorrectly change the position when a block is modified. (DESKTOP-110223).
ESNAP: Wrong esnap selection using Tab key and QuickInput is turn-off (DESKTOP-108592).
GROUP: Copy not selectable groups create extra groups (DESKTOP-45115).
HATCH: "Origin point" in the hatch grip wasn't working (DESKTOP-56563).
HATCH: Boundary entity is not displayed after use trim command (DESKTOP-81935).
HATCH: Don't display AR-SAND and AR-CONC hatch patterns in specific situations (DESKTOP-104442).
HATCH: Hatch pattern origin setting a different origin point does not impact the result. (DESKTOP-107674).
HATCH: Move entities leave the hatch distorted in specific situations (DESKTOP-104901).
LISP: nentsel function fixed to wait user input if there is pre-selection (DESKTOP-52296).
MLEADER: It's not displayed on other CAD applications when the scale is not 1 (DESKTOP-59226).
NCOPY: Fixed crash when trying to copy from reference drawing (DESKTOP-107954).
NCOPY: The command created geometry on drawing even when canceled (DESKTOP-113140).
PALETTE: Improve update time when resizing palette width (DESKTOP-111016).
PALETTE: Improved to keep the width when changing from float to dock (DESKTOP-111194).
PRINT: Missing geometry on output printing with system printer (DESKTOP-112151).
PRINT: Stretched output for some geometry in viewports (DESKTOP-112152).
QUICK INPUT: Fixed behavior where entities not following mouse direction if CCS is changed. (DESKTOP-95598).
RECOVERY: Fixed incorrect message when open parallel session on first session (DESKTOP-77860).
SCRIPTS: Print command output can't be saved on drawing location (DESKTOP-95937).
SPLINE: Fixed incorrect highlighted entity after join using splinedit command (DESKTOP-110148).
SPLINE: Fixed the continuity broken at closed fit point (DESKTOP-100084).
STARTUP: ARES Commander running on Linux Mint distro is unable to launch when connected to the internet (DESKTOP-113167).
STARTUP: Crash on start with dual monitor connect in Linux OS (DESKTOP-91879).
TEXT: Some annotative simplenote entities move when the file is reopened (DESKTOP-94431).
TEXT: TrueType Fonts display improvements for jagged texts (DESKTOP-52888).
TEXT: Wrong position for texts with middle alignment after move command (DESKTOP-117382).
TRIM: Improved performance to trim hatches (DESKTOP-110918).
TRIM: Polyline converted into spline ignores cutting edges in Trim command (DESKTOP-47017).
USER INTERFACE: Fixed behavior the try display the dialogs and other dialogs on monitor unplugged (DESKTOP-110682).
ZOOM: Improved performance on specific cases (DESKTOP-98500).

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