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ARES Kudo release notes 1.163
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality

  1. Save As improvements: This unique functionality of ARES Kudo allows the user optionally, use the following options to copy comments and markups into the copy of the current drawing

    1. Copy comments and markups.

    2. Include resolved comments and markups.

  2. UI improvements in the email notification

  3. New UI for "Resource" page from User Menu: This new UI will increase the usability and easy access to features like "My Template", "My Fonts", "Public Library"


  1. Kudo crashes randomly when attaching picture recording in WebDAV storage

  2. MLEADER: DIMREASSOCIATE doesn't work with Mleader

  3. Block Library Palette: Public blocks can be deleted from the palette

  4. Broken page when trying to open a PDF from the reference panel

  5. BATTMAN: The "Sync" feature is not working as expected.

  6. Custom Line Type Display Issues in ARES Kudo

  7. SELECTMATCHING: "Entities" are not highlighted in GA after selection.

  8. Session Handling: Incorrect editing session update in Kudo when the session is already taken in Commander

  9. Xref - The nested reference files are not found and Kudo hang

  10. "Shaded View" does not update correctly as per the selection

  11. Edit annotation: When the note is edit then the "1 found" text coming in the command input line

  12. "Shaded View" does not update correctly as per the selection

  13. When edit the reference file a second time by editcomponent command then Kudo got crashed

  14. The file location is displayed incorrectly when using "Show file location" or close the file - SharePoint

  15. Recent Files - Thumbnail not updated for "OneDrive" and "OneDrive for Business"
    "Delete" appear on folder when the folder delete and uploading under process inside that folder

  16. Previous email notifications are sent when the notification frequency is set from 'never' to 'immediate'

  17. Label "This folder has view-only access" appears after switching from the Shared with me folder

  18. When performing a search on the Trinity Block library page, the Resources page switch to the old UI

  19. Delete dialogue box not opening when huge number of files mark to delete - OneDrive for Business

  20. The file does not disappear from the Recent files when the folder is deleted

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