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ARES Kudo release notes 1.169
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality-

  1. ARES Kudo now offers users the capability to customize the direction of zoom when using the mouse wheel. This provides greater flexibility in the zooming experience.

  2. We have enhanced the loading performance of the Google Drive files list, addressing the previous issue of it being time-consuming. These improvements aim to deliver a more seamless and faster user experience.

  3. We have made improvements to the messaging system when a user attempts to share a file with unregistered users. This update will provide clearer and more informative messages to enhance the user experience.

  4. In ARES Kudo Drive, we now support the ability to change the modifier's name whenever someone makes a modification to the folder's metadata or content.


  1. Entities (lines) are not displayed in the drawing

  2. Curved entities and text within the blocks appear fragmented until a regeneration is performed.

  3. The Arial font is not available in the font selection list when editing a note.

  4. The Thickness property is not displayed for circles.

  5. In the Help section, search suggestions are not presented.

  6. ESNAP: Entity snaps are not recognized when the view is altered.

  7. Table: The "Insert symbol" does not display all symbols in graphics when editing a cell.

  8. Display issues occur in 3D shaded view options such as "Flat with edges" and "Gouraud with edge," resulting in a broken appearance.

  9. RATETESDIMENSION is not translated into Japanese on the Properties palette.

  10. In System Options, the cursor focus is lost when an active command is in progress.

  11. In System Options, the selected tab is not retained when the application is reopened.

  12. WELD: The command is not executed on the preselected entity

  13. Toolbar: "Area By Point" is not showing the perimeter

  14. In XREF, tooltips for the refresh and reload buttons, as well as for attached files, are not displayed.

  15. The command window does not show the total area when using the GETAREA command.

  16. MULTILEADER: An error occurs when selecting the "Landing line first" option.

  17. The right edge of "カスタム" (Custom) is cut off on Japanese version.

  18. Scrolling functionality is not operational within the "SAVEAS" dialog when selecting a folder.

  19. In the Sharefolder feature, the folder disappears when sharing permissions are removed from both ends.

  20. An error message is displayed when attempting to upload a template with a duplicated name using drag and drop.

  21. The comment inclusion slider becomes deactivated after entering a duplicate name in the Save As dialog.

  22. In Mozilla Firefox, within the ShareFolder feature, there is an issue where the User name and User mail ID overlap with each other.

  23. Uploading an unsuitable file format as a drawing version should be restricted or prohibited

  24. For a specific user, the contextual menu fails to open in Google Drive when all files are selected.

  25. In GDrive Shortcuts, the option to "Copy comments and markup" should not be displayed when cloning a file shortcut.

  26. All selected files are not being removed from the shared folder as expected.

  27. The user interface (UI) does not refresh or update when deleting a file or folder from the search results.

  28. Files are not being deleted from storage when the number of files exceeds 100.

  29. In the Block Library, it is not possible to copy the block file name from the library.

  30. In the Block Library, there is an inconsistency in the title of the permission dialog.

  31. In the Resources section, there is no option to cancel the uploading of templates once it has started.

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