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ARES Kudo release notes 1.165
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality-

No new Functionality


  1. "Erase all file" button is not disabled when the trash is empty

  2. Broken alignment of the thumbnail and the string

  3. Incorrect Korean text - Consonants and vowels are not integrated but separated

  4. FIND: Replace button is active even after replacing the text

  5. Strings and check boxes are misaligned in the filters of comment panel in Kudo Enterprise

  6. Incorrect results for Simplenote with language setting Korean

  7. Save error pop up when switching the tab with dialog opens

  8. SCALETEXT: Wrong selection count displayed in command line

  9. EDITCOMPONENT: Crash when selecting a block

  10. Markups: Delete Six times Markups kudo got stuck

  11. AUTOCOMPLETE: Command/Alis list not loaded at the beginning of the session

  12. "Load file" button should be disabled in the Drawing compare panel in Kudo Enterprise

  13. Kudo crash when double click in "Field" note for edit

  14. SimpleNote: The text style is not updating with their height & angle

  15. SIMPLENOTE: No "text style" duplication dialog box pop-up in Kudo.

  16. ATTACHDGN: Attached DGN file is not rendered on screen when opening the file again

  17. EDITCOMPONENT: Reference files should not be attached in editcomponent mode

  18. 'Zoom Fit' doesn't recognize hatches without boundary

  19. LAYER: Layer shorting order is wrong in the property palette

  20. Kudo Enterprise got crashed when the file changing, crash due to the "BLOCKCOLLECTION" setting

  21. When changing the layer of viewport object from property palette then Kudo got stuck

  22. EDITSPLINE: The alias "SPLINEDIT & SPE" is not working in Kudo

  23. EDITTABLE command is not working

  24. TABLESTYLE: When the duplicate name enter for table style, the box does not reflect anything for duplicate name

  25. MULTILEADER: The height of arrow and text does not saved for new style

  26. LAYER: When object layer locked then we try to change the layer of object from property palette, kudo got stuck

  27. Options: Kudo Crash when right-click on other view of "Defaults" option of "Coordinate system" to activate it

  28. ANGLEDIMENSION: Broken NOTE dialog and it causes crashes in Kudo

  29. Note editor dialog is shown over the text after justify text command

  30. Kudo crash when double click in "Field" note for edit

  31. FIELD: The author's name did not show the name in GA

  32. Cursor changed to scroll cursor when clicking on the toolbar and drag it to GA

  33. Simplenote: "Height & Angle" value boxes are active in "SIMPLE NOTE SETTINGS" pallet

  34. 'None' is not regarded as color option for display of background color for tables.

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