New Project

ARES Electrical, Start new project, How to start, new, Electrical project, ARES Electrical, wires, components, pages.

Kevin Silvério Ferreira avatar
Written by Kevin Silvério Ferreira
Updated over a week ago

Start a new project.

Start a new project through quick access toolbar...

  1. Open ARES Electrical and click on the first button of quick access toolbar;

  2. Choose the drawing template you want to use (.dwt);

  3. Click to Open;
    OK. A new ARES Electrical project will be opened.

Start a new project through menu...

  1. Click on the ARES Electrical upper left icon in the menu;

  2. Click in new...

    As the previous procedure, AE will display the Template dialog to be chosen;

  3. Select the drawing template you want to use (.dwt);

  4. Click to Open.
    The project will be opened with the chosen template.

📖INFO: ARES icon Menu> New...
Quick access toolbar> New
Command: Ctrl+N

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