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Save a project

ARES Electrical, Save, project, pages, drawings, file.

Kevin Silvério Ferreira avatar
Written by Kevin Silvério Ferreira
Updated over a year ago

To save a project is similar to create a new or open an existing one.

To save a project through quick access toolbar...

  1. Click on the third button on the quick access toolbar;

    If a project is already open, AE will save the data in the same file. It won't prompt the user where should be saved.
    ARES Electrical will only prompt user about save location in case the project was not saved before.

  2. If AE prompts the 'save as' window, select the desired folder and click to save.

📖INFO: Menu Save
Ribbon: Quick access > Save
Command: Save (ctrl+s)

To save a project through menu...

  1. Click on the upper left ARES Electrical button to display the menu;

  2. Click in Save as...
    A window will be displayed to choose the folder where project will be saved.

  3. Select the folder;

  4. Click on Save.

📖INFO: Menu: Save as...
Command: saveas

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