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How to create a new page.

Page, Page Group, Blocks, new page, g-electrical, electrical, Draftsight.

Kevin Silvério Ferreira avatar
Written by Kevin Silvério Ferreira
Updated over a year ago

Have your own Pages standard set and ready to use to start designing your electrical projects can save you precious time, that's why in G-Electrical's Menu we can use the Page Groups feature to set all the project pages frames, titleblocks, style and all settings regarding how the projects pages will look like.

In this article you are going to learn how to create new pages to be used in your projects.

Creating new pages...

  1. Go to GE Manage Tab> Page Groups;
    You may be prompted to unlock changes in the interface, use ADMIN as user an left in blank the password.

  2. The Page settings Wizard is displayed;

    📖INFO: The Page settings wizard dialog helps you to create, edit and erase pages and page groups.

  3. Select to Create a new page, then Next;

  4. In the Page properties step you need to set:
    Page name;
    Page type;
    Description property;
    Automatic labels;
    Column labels, if necessary;
    Column width, if necessary;
    Line labels, if necessary;
    Line height, if necessary.

    📖INFO: The Description Property holds the name of each page and it is responsible to display it in the pages palette, title block and the automatic Index generated. By default, Pages already built-in G-Electrical uses DESCRIPTION as Description property.

    After defining all these settings above, click Next;

  5. In the Page drawings step you need to set up the 5 blocks that compounds the sheet in the graphics area;

Sheet format: Block responsible for the sheet frame;
Group properties: Block responsible for holding the information that will be displayed by all pages inside the same page group of the project;
Page properties: Block responsible for holding the information that will be displayed individually by each page of the project;
Page number: Block responsible for holding the information of the Page Number of the project;
Page total: Block responsible for holding the information of the Total Pages Number of the project;

💡TIP: All attributes used in the blocks MUST be in the caps lock format;
The default Page number property is PAG;

The default Page total property is DE.

When you finish to set all blocks just click Next, then Finish to conclude this procedure.

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