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Perpetual Subscription Renewal Notes

Find out the perpetual subscription renewal notes.

Christian Kramer avatar
Written by Christian Kramer
Updated over 3 years ago

Below a subscription renewal case, where the customer has renewed his subscription 6 months after his subscription was expired. So, the subscription was renewed from June 2017 to June 2018 and the customer has only 6 months of subscription left.

First let me clarify how it works. The license for ARES Touch and ARES Kudo are linked to the subscription of your perpetual license. When your subscription of ARES Commander is expiring you are free to renew it for successive terms of 1 year. If you don't, you lose the right for upgrades, support and obviously ARES Touch and ARES Kudo. More precisely the Premium features of ARES Touch will be disabled and you can keep using the free features of ARES Touch (mostly viewing and dimensioning).

We like to offer a win-win and flexible model for the subscription renewal. I understand the subscription of your perpetual license was expired end of June 2017 and was not renewed. In other companies this could have meant the end of your subscription and you would have had to pay the full price to get back on track. To make it easy and flexible we let our subscribers buy a subscription renewal even months after the subscription expired. The subscription renewal you purchased is adding twelve months to your last expiry date which explains why the new date is end of June 2018. In other terms you did a late renewal of your subscription that expired in June.

The alternative would have been to buy an upgrade. The upgrade for a Perpetual license costs $397.50 and it gives you access to the latest version of ARES Commander + 12 months of subscription. But as you can see, the cost of an upgrade is twice higher from the price you paid for a subscription renewal. That's why we recommend an upgrade when the subscription has expired for more than 12 months (adding 12 months would not help when subscription ended more than 12 months before).

In other words, to simplify, if your subscription has not expired or expired less than 12 months ago we recommend the Subscription Renewal. If your subscription expired more than 12 months ago we recommend an upgrade. For your reference this is how it is described in our estore:
What is the difference between a Subscription renewal and an upgrade?

In other words, to simplify, if your subscription has not expired or expired less than 12 months ago we recommend the Subscription Renewal. If your subscription expired more than 12 months ago we recommend an upgrade. For your reference this is how it is described in our estore:

What is the difference between a Subscription renewal and an upgrade?

The ARES Subscription renewal will extend your rights:

  • If your subscription has not expired yet you will add 12 months

  • If your subscription is already expired you will add 12 months to the last expiry date. If you are for example 6 months late you will get 6 months left. If the latest version of ARES Commander was released in the previous months you will get access to it. In any case, as we ship one major upgrade of ARES Commander every year, you are sure to get one upgrade for your perpetual license during the time of your subscription.

The ARES Commander upgrade is more cost-effective only if your subscription has expired for more than 12 months. It will grant you access to the latest upgrade of ARES Commander and includes a 12 months ARES subscription.

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