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Release History of ARES Map

Historic, Release Notes, Previous Versions

Christian Kramer avatar
Written by Christian Kramer
Updated over a week ago

ARES Map- Update Notes

ARES Map 2023 SP1:

Build No. (SP1) - Release 05/07/2022

ARES Map 2023 SP0:

Build No. (SP0) - Release 04/04/2022

ARES Map 2022 SP3:

Build No. (SP3) - Release 18/11/2021

ARES Map 2022 SP2.1:

Build No. (SP2.1) - Release 05/10/2021

ARES Map 2022 SP2:

Build No. (SP2) - Release 27/05/2021

ARES Map 2022 SP1:

Build No. (SP1) - Release 27/05/2021

ARES Map 2022 SP0.1:

Build No. (SP0.1) - Release 01/04/2021

1. SPLINE: New EDITSPLINE command added for modifying spline properties.(DESKTOP-42907)
2. IMPORTPDF command: PDF files paper size and PDF scale information added in dialog box.(DESKTOP-96128)
3. New VERSIONHISTORY palette added to compare the current drawing state with previous version of cloud storages drawings.(DESKTOP-92789)
4. DRAWINGCOMPARE command: Undo/Redo functions support added to check previous state of comparison.(DESKTOP-87623)
5. SHEETSET command: Support of Architectural, Civil, Mechanical and others drawing sheet set templates added.(DESKTOP-87939)
6. VIEWS command: Functionality added to highlight the selected boundary area in graphics area.(DESKTOP-85156)
7. REFEDIT command: “Prompt to Select Nested Blocks” option added which will allow to select a particular entity from a nested block.(DESKTOP-97231)
8. FILED command support of BIM entities selection added.(DESKTOP-103823)
9. PRINT: Functionality added to replace "DWG To PDF.pc3" Page layouts drivers with ARES PDF built-in printer under OPTIONS.(DESKTOP-95404)
10. Cloud Storage palette: New folder added for deleted files to restore or delete permanently files from RMB.(DESKTOP-98030; DESKTOP-103806; DESKTOP-103805)
11. New Online help palette added to access the products articles and tutorials within application.(DESKTOP-102458)
12. PALETTES Icons and toggle functionality of palettes added.(DESKTOP-100372)

ARES Map 2022 SP0:

Build No. (SP0) - Release 19/02/2021

Fixed Issues:

1. IMPORTPDF command: PDF files paper size and PDF scale information are added in dialog box.(DESKTOP-96128)
2. DRAWINGCOMPARE command: Undo/Redo functions support are added to check previous state of comparison.(DESKTOP-87623)
3. SHEETSET command: Support of Architectural, Civil, Mechanical and others drawing sheet set templates are added.(DESKTOP-87939)
4. VIEWS command: Functionality added to highlight the selected boundary area in graphics area.(DESKTOP-85156)
5. REFEDIT command: “Prompt to Select Nested Blocks” option is added which will allow to select a particular entity from a nested block.(DESKTOP-97231)
6. EDITCOMPONENT command: Block highlighting of Nested blocks is improved in editor.(DESKTOP-97349)
7.. PRINT: Functionality added to replace "DWG To PDF.pc3" Page layouts drivers with ARES PDF built-in printer under OPTIONS.(DESKTOP-95404)
8.. Cloud Storage palette: New folder is added for deleted files to restore or delete permanently files from RMB.(DESKTOP-98030; DESKTOP-103806; DESKTOP-103805)
9.. MAKEFLATSNAPSHOT command: Functionality for blocks containing solids and surfaces improved.(DESKTOP-43857)
10. EXPORTDRAWING command: Functionality to preserve Geometric or Dimensional constraints information in a drawing improved.(DESKTOP-48790)

ARES Map 2020 SP3:

Build No. (SP3) - Release 04/11/2020


  • Printing Functionality added for PRINTSTAMP fields for PDF built-in printer.(DESKTOP-43588)

  • ISO/ANSI/ARCH Full Bleed Paper sizes are added for PDF build-in printer.(DESKTOP-75962)

  • BATCHPRINT command option added to select whether Model tabs only, Sheets only, or both are included for printing.(DESKTOP-88403)

  • The PDF file size creation on built-in printer PDF printer improved.(DESKTOP-96086;DESKTOP-85513)

  • Entity snapping of scaled block objects improved.(DESKTOP-91007)

  • The display of OLE of specific objects improved.(DESKTOP-93602)

  • Drawing performance on cursor movements over spline objects improved.(DESKTOP-88060)

  • The user interface handling for specific custom menu files improved.(DESKTOP-97437)

  • PAN command issue fixed. The pan icon remained in the graphical area, while using the mouse middle button.(DESKTOP-96401)

  • The scaling issue of annotative block references fixed.(DESKTOP-92254)

  • The performance of TRIM and EXTEND commands improved for hatches.(DESKTOP-91583;DESKTOP-95415)

  • PROPERTYPAINTER command functionality improved for dimension styles.(DESKTOP-96134)

  • LISP entget-function improvements done for OLE objects.(DESKTOP-96522)

ARES Map 2020 SP2.1:

Build No. 2020.2.1.3407 (SP2.1) - Release 16/09/2020

New Functionality:

  • Sheet Set Manager - New Tabs for Model Views, Sheet Views and Import Layouts(DESKTOP-88604;DESKTOP-88603;DESKTOP-87933)


  • A freeze/hang in the EXTEND command with lines in specific drawing is fixed.(DESKTOP-93716)

  • EDITANNOTATION: Value disappears, when editing it via double click.(DESKTOP-92223)

  • TRIM command: Performance issue with trimming a simple polyline is fixed, if specific hatch exists in the drawing.(DESKTOP-91583)

  • Dimension style is not changed, when a leader and a dimension are specified for PROPERTYPAINTER (MATCHPROP) command.(DESKTOP-96134)

  • Block reference is not faded although the layer on the block reference is locked.(DESKTOP-91013)

  • A part of pattern (array) entities are not displayed.(DESKTOP-90456)

  • The Maps Plugin is missing in an OEM product. (DESKTOP-96945)

  • HATCH: Hatch gets removed from the area which is covered by text on editing with the help of EGrip when created with "Ignore island detection" on.(DESKTOP-83711)

  • Hatch position is not changed, when you modified the dynamic block.(DESKTOP-95287)

  • LISP: The application hangs, when repeating the loop to rotate an entity.(DESKTOP-95575)

  • LISP: Problems with a specific Lisp example and the execution of commands, while switching drawings tabs is fixed.(DESKTOP-94033)

  • VB.NET: Status of SelectImplied() is always PromptStatus.OK.(DESKTOP-96083)

ARES Map 2020 SP2:

Build No. 2020.2.1.3032 (SP2) - Release 04/08/2020


  1. Functionality implemented to display the opened cloud storage files in Recent Documents List.(DESKTOP-91643)

  2. New MODELBACKGROUNDCOLOR command introduced, which set the background color of model space.(DESKTOP-92484)

  3. Sheet Set Manager: Sheet set data FIELDS are added.(DESKTOP-87942)

  4. Sheet Set Manager: PDF printing option integrated for sheet sets.(DESKTOP-89620)

  5. Functionality implemented to define the quality of raster images and vectors data for built-in PDF printers.(DESKTOP-77846)

  6. IMPORTPDF command scaling of inserted PDF files improved.(DESKTOP-76852)

  7. ZOOM command: The performance of drawings having different Linetypes improved.(DESKTOP-85586

  8. Markups: Support of 3 new image format types ( .bmp, .gif & .jpeg ) for picture recording. (DESKTOP-91155)

  9. Markups: Functionality added to download the picture recordings in other image format types.(DESKTOP-91747, DESKTOP-94128)

ARES Map 2020 SP1.1:

Build No. - Release 23/06/20


  1. A help switching issue is fixed under the different language settings.(DESKTOP-94082)

  2. Multiview blocks - Show only one plan symbol now, if multiple symbols for different standards exist in the BIM object.(DESKTOP-94067)

  3. The symbols in BIM drawings are displayed independently of the BIM models source language.(DESKTOP-93828)

  4. The text height of multileaders became bigger on doubleclick, when afterwards the create note button was used.(DESKTOP-90964)

  5. Improvements in the DISCARDDUPLICATES(OVERKILL) command for geometries with certain overlapping arcs.(DESKTOP-76960)

ARES Map 2020 SP1:

Build No. - Release 19/05/20

New Features(Windows only!):
Sheet Set Manager. You can use sheet sets to group sheets and manage or archive sheet sets as a unit. The Sheet Set Manager palette groups the functionalities for organizing named collections of drawing sheets.
The following commands are available:
SheetSet. Displays the Sheet Set Manager palette.
SheetSetHide. Hides the Sheet Set Manager palette.
NewSheetSet. Opens the Drawing Sheet Set Creation wizard and lets you create a new sheet set.
OpenSheetSet. Opens the specified .dst file and lists the contained sheets and sheet subsets in the Sheet Set Manager palette.
Batch Print option lets you print the drawing sheets from a specific sheet set.

Modified features and commands:
Drawing Compare
Supports DXF format.
Lets you export the comparison result.
Markups. Lets you display tags for picture recordings.
Application Menu has been reorganized(Windows only!).
ExportSAT command is available in the application menu: Export > Export ACIS SAT.
Import option groups now all import commands.

  1. Drawing Compare command: Supports the new file extension .dxf, .dwt & .dws.(DESKTOP-90809)

  2. Drawing Compare command: Saves the comparison results in a new drawing file.(DESKTOP-86589)

  3. New collaborate menu and panel added to access cloudstorage, comments & markups functions.(DESKTOP-89996)

  4. Markups: Includes new voice recording included with transcriptions display.(DESKTOP-88276, DESKTOP-89212)

  5. Picture Markups: Functionality enhanced to recognise the tags and display full size of picture recordings.(DESKTOP-89211, DESKTOP-89993)

  6. Cloudstorage: Stores the path of previously opened file.(DESKTOP-89932)

  7. SPLINE command: New option to select 2D polylines and convert them into splines.(DESKTOP-88714)

  8. The drawing scale factor can be set in the View Tiles toolbar.(DESKTOP-87695)

  9. Migration mechanism for PCX-files embedded.(DESKTOP-88959)

  10. Fillet command: Functionality added to select entities by window selection.(DESKTOP-47370)

  11. The display issue of Gravel hatch pattern at large coordinate values fixed.(DESKTOP-46001)

  12. TRIM command: The functionality to trim the entities on large coordinates improved.(DESKTOP-88229, DESKTOP-83413)

  13. SWEEP command: The functionality of sweep command for path entities improved.(DESKTOP-80154, DESKTOP-49027)

  14. MacOS X: The display quality of drawings under Retina display improved.(DESKTOP-77689)

Build No. - Release 10/07/2018

Fixes and Improvements:

  1. Feature locator API and dockwidget: locate features with WHERE clauses

  2. The location tracker tracks now any kind of geometry, not only points

  3. Locator widget can now manage different locator services

New functionality:

  1. Performance

  2. Documentation

  3. SHP and GIS attributes will be shown in and hidden from the property palette automatically

  4. UI and dialogs

  5. C++ and C# API

  6. Various other bug fixes

Build No. - Release 12/02/2018

Fixes and Improvements:

  1. Locator widget is now dockable

  2. C++ and C# API

  3. The ArcGIS Online palette supports Groups

  4. Performance of coordinates projection by keeping used and common coordinate systems

  5. Added two zoom buttons to map service items in the layer manager

  6. Clicking [OK] in the Add new base map dialog connects to the service now

  7. Various other bugfixes

New functionality:

  1. Head-up display with compass rose, distance marker and a coordinates tracker

  2. Feature selector to handle and batch-export data-extensive services

  3. Feature highlighter to show features according to a set of rules applied on attributes

  4. Importing georeferenced shape files and their attributes

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