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ARES Mechanical 2022 SP5 Release Notes

ARES, Mechanical, 2022 SP5, Service Pack 5, Release Notes

Written by Rodrigo Leiria
Updated over a week ago

Build No. (SP5) - Release 9/02/2022


AM_SETTINGS - Object Properties Settings support for balloons, part references and parts lists (DESKTOP-107225)


BALLOON: AM_INSERTBALLOON "번호 다시 매김" option for "renumber" does not work (DESKTOP-126468)

BALLOON: Two options are associated with a single options like collect/Manual. (DESKTOP-126469)

BALLOONS: Balloons are wrong displayed in mechanical drawings created on other applications (DESKTOP-125389)

BOM: "View" is not properly translated on dialog (DESKTOP-125636)

BOM: Command does not accept BOM name with "SPACE" (DESKTOP-120569)

BOM: Data is not shown as overridden when a cell is based on formula evaluation in specified drawing (DESKTOP-120917)

BOM: Import is not functional (DESKTOP-112598)

BOM: In Draftsight Mechanical, BOM Export PDF hangs for French language (DESKTOP-130943)

BOM: In german, String introduced by AM_BOM command need to be localized in supported languages (DESKTOP-125695)

BOM: On Remove item confirmation message, Remove Icon on "Cancel" button (DESKTOP-125715)

EDIT BLOCK: ARES Mechanical 2022 crashes when undone changes in block editor (undone EDITBLOCK command) (DESKTOP-126214)

FRAME: Layering is no more consistent with Ares Mechanical layers (DESKTOP-119612)

HARDWARE: Not able to change scale when edit the relevant mechanical block. (DESKTOP-126192)

HARDWARE: Some read-only fields look editable (DESKTOP-115570)

HELP: "AM_BOM" listed twice under "Mechanical Commands Reference" help Topic (DESKTOP-125691)

HELP: EXPORTIGES/ EXPORTSTEP Help topic not linked with command (DESKTOP-124764)

HOLE TABLE: Origin symbol and hole label don't respect AMSYMSCALE value (DESKTOP-126330)

HOLE: While Editing Hole, Wrong value for "Near c'sink angle" (DESKTOP-119622)

INSERT BALLOON: Set BOM Command does not accept BOM name with "SPACE" (DESKTOP-123682)

LAYER: ISOLATELAYER doesn't work with mechanical layers (DESKTOP-120455)

LIBRARY: Japanese ARES Mechanical, names of hardware of JIS are wrong (DESKTOP-100622)

PART LIST: Alt shortcuts for dialog are placed before the strings. (DESKTOP-126205)

PART LIST: Default value should not show "(M)" (DESKTOP-125643)

PART LIST: No data in part list in some drawings (DESKTOP-127331)

PART LIST: PARTLISTEDIT command fails in some specific files (DESKTOP-125507)

PART REFERENCE: All part references are not visible and can not edit them in specific drawing (DESKTOP-119639)

PART REFERENCE: Error message is displayed while creating Part reference in valid format drawing (DESKTOP-123813)

PART REFERENCE: Fails with "Error" in the drawing (DESKTOP-113813)

PART REFERENCE: In the Dialog, OK and Cancel does not have application specify icons (DESKTOP-127494)

PART REFERENCE: The mechanical entities are proxy entities (DESKTOP-125449)

PARTS LIST: Error on choosing "Main" Option in specified drawing (DESKTOP-113332)

PASTE: Crash when try paste "Part List" copied from another drawing (DESKTOP-124099)

REVISIONTABLE: Additional "Yes" is displayed under option after providing the insertion point (DESKTOP-126199)

SAVE: "Corrupt drawing. Cannot create autosave file." message in mechanical drawing (DESKTOP-127842)

SAVE: Dxf Format Error when save non-Mechanical entities and Mechanical entities (DESKTOP-127722)

UI: Layer tools drop down is shown twice after migration from 2022 SP2 (DESKTOP-126382)

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