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FAQ Flex Cloud License

Flex Cloud License, FAQ, Licensing, products, cases, features, license, network, Flex, multiple users, examples, question

Levi Miguel avatar
Written by Levi Miguel
Updated over a week ago

A Flex Cloud license is a Trinity license (ARES Commander or ARES Mechanical + ARES Kudo + ARES Touch) shared within a group of users (minimum 3 licenses shared and unlimited number of users).

This setup offers different possibilities and advantages: For example, the licenses are in the cloud, so unlike with a "traditional" Flex Network licenses the users no longer have to be in the same local network, but can be anywhere: in home office, out of the office or even in different countries...

See the "FAQ Flex Cloud License"-document below for more information about the setup, case studies, and general questions about this new license type, and see if it suits your needs.

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