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ARES Mechanical 2025 - Release Notes

ARES, Mechanical, 2025 SP0, Service Pack 0, Release Notes

Written by Devas Sheth
Updated over a week ago


You can download the last update from here.

Build No. (SP0) - Release 18/04/2024

Below you can find the main fixes and new improvements on ARES Mechanical 2025 SP0:


    • Users can use the AMUSERHATCH command to insert user-defined non-associative hatches into object areas.

    • The user can also modify the properties of a selected hatch before inserting it into an object area.

    • The Hatch dialog box enables the user to do the following, Set the angle of hatch lines, Set the spacing between hatch lines, Specify the minimum number of hatch lines to draw when hatching small areas, Calculate the new boundaries of an area when editing a hatch, and Set the double-line hatch pattern.

  • JM Tools:

    • The JMTools plugin offers a suite of powerful features designed to streamline and enhance operations within ARES Mechanical software.

    • Noteworthy functions include Half Dimension, where the dimension value is prefixed with a φ diameter symbol, and by default is twice the actual length.

    • The plugin enables the creation of Continue/Baseline Dimensions, generating horizontal or vertical linear dimensions.

    • Dimension Layer Settings allow users to specify the layer of dimension entities and leader line entities, ensuring Mechanical-compliant layer usage.

    • The Chamfer Dimension feature creates a leader line perpendicular to the chamfer line, extending at a specified distance.

    • Insert Dimension splits linear dimensions and specifies the location of the new witness line.

    • Join Dimension combines colinear dimension lines with the same base point.

    • Align Dimension, aligns dimension lines parallel to specified linear dimensions.

    • The Center Mark function creates lines on the Mechanical layer's Centerline.

    • Parallel Lines draws lines parallel to specified entities with matching properties.

    • The Stretch tool performs expansion and contraction sequentially. Inquire tools provide previews and command prompts for various measurements, distances, angles, and slopes. Lastly, the Draw tools feature facilitates the cut and copy/move/delete/write operations.

    • JMTools enhances CAD workflows by providing a comprehensive set of tools for efficient and precise design operations.

  • Feature Control Frame:

    • In paper space, the FCF is associated with geometry in the model.

    • When the edit symbol with the double click on its leader then the "Leader and Text" tab is active on the opened dialog.

    • Add a leader to an existing symbol when editing the Feature Control Frame.

    • Create a symbol for the 2 adjacent edges of a rectangle.

    • Feature Control Frame can be associated with a dimension line and dimension extension line.

    • The mirror command works with the Feature Control Frame Symbol.

  • Surface Symbol:

    • The symbol does not shift when specify point for the side.

    • Stretch with grip the Surface finish symbol and place it outside of entity.

    • The mirror command works with the Surface Symbol.

    • The symbol is properly generated in rotated CCS (UCS).

    • The "Add" button is activated in the Leader and Text tab.

    • Mnemonics are available for the Settings.

    • Multiple leaders are supported.

    • Requirements are not lost after clicking on the "Cancel" button.

    • When no presets are available only the “New“ button is active.

    • Mnemonics are available for the "Arrowhead" from the "Leader and text" tab.

    • Tooltips are available for the Preset list option.

  • Datum Identifier:

    • Canceling the "Settings" change does revert changes for existing symbols.

    • On Properties the "By Standard" surface arrowhead is on the top of the list.

    • For the Surface option, the symbol is placed above the hook line.

    • The symbol starts from the correct coordinates.

    • The artifacts are not displayed while adding the datum to mechanical entities in paper space.

  • User Interface:

    • In the dark style, the icons for the Mechanical tools are colored.

    • For the Light style, in the Section line dialog, in-line edit canvases are updated for the % or greater DPI scale.

    • Entity Snaps & Track > tooltips for "Select All" and "Clear All" are added.

    • The symbol's icon for the Datum Identifier is visible on the display scaling >=125%.

    • Mnemonics are corrected for the “Line spacing“ and “Settings“ in the Part List.

    • Texts on the revision table/hole table for the Japanese language are corrected.

    • The font in-hole callout for the Japanese language is corrected.

  • Translation:

    • “Specify first corner” and “Specify second corner” messages of the AM_BALLOON_REORG command are translated into Japanese.

    • Drawing sheet tabs names are translated into templates.

    • The items of Identifier position and Arrow direction lists are translated into Japanese.

    • Translation for the Primary Arrowhead dropdown option is correct for the Feature Control Frame dialog.

  • Detail:

    • Block is preserved in detail view when it is inside of detail view.

    • Undo works without freezing the application.

    • Stretch command works with the detail view.

    • Blocks are clipped in detail view.

  • Documentation:

    • The command name is corrected for the "AM_PartListEdit" in the Help document.

    • Remove all references to the AM_SFIN command from the Help document.

    • Help for the "Settings" is available for the Detail dialog.

  • Construction Lines:

    • Construction lines respect the Ortho mode.

  • Part Reference:

    • Part Reference is listed in BOM after the creation of the BLOCK.

    • A part reference of the same screw moves when setting “Exclude from Parts List” and moving it.

  • Section Line:

    • For the "Half" section line, one arrow is added.

  • Edit Component:

    • The entity with mechanical annotation (FCF, Datum, SFS) is not duplicated in externally referenced drawings when editing in-place XRef.

  • Application stability improvements:

    • The application crashes when making Detail View with xRef drawing.

    • The application if any key is pressed during start-up, after the splash screen.

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