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Getting started with ARES Commander
Step by Step
Get Started: The Construction Aids (1)Use construction aids for faster and more comfortable drafting.
Get Started: The Construction Aids (2)How to use Polar and ETrack
Get Started: Customizing Alias commandsUse well-known aliases from other CAD programs also in ARES Commander
How to create new files?Get Started, Tutorials, Create New Files
How to set and use the smart-new template?Get Started, Tutorials, Create SmartNew Template, Template
Saving in a specific file format or versionGet Started, Tutorials, Save, Save File Format, DWG, DXF, DWT
Displaying and positioning toolbarsGet Started, Tutorials, User Interface, Customization
Settings (1) OverviewGet Started, Tutorials, Settings, Customization
Settings (2) How to change system and user settingsGet Started, Tutorials, Settings, Customization
Settings (3) Drawing-specific settingsGet Started, Tutorials, Settings, Customization
Set the unit system for your drawingGet Started, Tutorials, Settings, Customization
How to switch between different workspaces?Get Started, Tutorials, User Interface, Customization,
How to customize the Quick Access Toolbar?Get Started, Tutorials, User Interface, Customization
Setting Colors for the Application Elements and UIGet Started, Tutorials, User Interface, Customization,