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ARES Kudo release notes 1.151
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality:

  1. Layer State:

    1. Use the LayerState command to save, restore, and manage configurations of layer properties and states.

    2. Layer states are snapshots of current Layer settings. You can also edit the Layer properties within Layer states.

    3. Layer states are saved with the drawing. You can export Layer states to files of type *.las. You can import Layer states from *.las files and from drawing files.

  2. Block Library Management UI

    1. Block Library Management UI helps the user to manage and maintain the Block library for any platform

    2. Block Library Management UI helps users to upload, download, delete and share the blocks

      • Note: Currently Block Library Palette is not available in Kudo and will be available in an upcoming release.

  3. The sidebar menu when the drawing is opened should automatically close after selecting one option in the grid view on a mobile device

  4. Find better alternative fonts for Asian characters. Now Asian fonts are supported in Kudo editor(Onshape)

  5. Requesting editing session: We show a notification to the users that an editing session is requested by user "XXX"

    1. The owner can accept or decline the request


  1. Unable to save a drawing as a PDF in storage

  2. Uppercase letters change to lowercase when moving a folder or file in Dropbox storage

  3. The storage sidebar menu should not be shown on pages where storage switching is not possible in the grid view on a mobile device

  4. UI representation for folders and files is different for grid view in mobile devices
    Custom Font: Unable to select multiple files for uploading

  5. ARES Kudo gives an error on save as a new file name

  6. A notification message doesn't pop up when deleting a file that is active in another session

  7. The "Permissions" dialog box does not fit on the screen of narrow mobile devices
    Changes are not automatically saved when editor rights are fetched from one tab to another

  8. *Cloud Storage* Sharing Option: allow to print the PDF even if the "Print to PDF" option is disabled.

  9. The parent project folder is not selectable while moving a file in Trimble Connect storage

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