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ARES Kudo release notes 1.157
Vaibhav jadhav avatar
Written by Vaibhav jadhav
Updated over a week ago

New Functionality

  1. MULTILEADER: Use the MultiLeader command to create MultiLeaders.​ MultiLeaders use the current MultiLeaderStyles.​ ​You can temporarily override the MultiLeaderStyle settings during command execution. Use the EditMultiLeader command to add leader lines to, or remove leader lines from MultiLeaders.​ MultiLeaders can have more than one leader line.

  2. EntityGroupDisplayMode:​ ​Use the EntityGroupDisplayMode command to control which EntityGrips are displayed for an EntityGroup selection.
    You can edit all entities of the EntityGroups in a single operation, using one EntityGrip, or you can edit individual entities within an EntityGroup, using their EntityGrips.

  3. ​ARES ​Kudo ​Drive improvements:​ We support "My files" and "Shared files" folders​ in ARES Kudo Drive. Now, it's easy to find your own and shared files in Kudo drive.

  4. Improvements in Preferences:​ ​We provide a way to reset the settings to the default. When the user hits the "Reset to Default" button, all preferences reset.

  5. Improvements in Block Library: Now, we notify users through email notification once someone has shared a block/block library with him


  1. Block Palette: Infinite spinner on block palette when a new library is created

  2. Block library: Unable to upload some file types (with extensions .dwt and .dws)

  3. Loading error appears when opening drawings via a view-only link

  4. The file name in the notification is displayed with a capital letter when restoring a drawing

  5. The permissions icon is displayed for folders in Deleted files in the Onedrive storage

  6. Unable to delete or rename a newly uploaded public template

  7. View only link is not working

  8. An incorrect error appears when saving specific files in SharePoint

  9. Unable to open drawing via "Open in ARES Touch" in the email notification - Safari browser

  10. The hamburger menu does not open if the drawing is opened via a shared link - Kudo mobile

  11. Multiple spaces are not respected in the description of picture recording in markups

  12. A white line is shown over a graphic area of the drawing opened with viewer rights when clicked over G.A.

  13. LayerState manager: Contextual menu is missing from the layerstates

  14. Richline table headers are missing

  15. EDITSPLINE: The closed spline is getting opened when gripedit

  16. The color icon sizes are different in size

  17. Note: Unnecessary separator on the contextual menu

  18. The Shademode menu is disappearing when the cursor is moved away

  19. The changes are not displayed for drawings opened via sharing the link - Trimble Connect

  20. When creating Picture recording/Voice recording, there is no automatic switching to the comments and markups list

  21. Broken command window when opening Block Library

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