In G-electrical, is possible to use automatic names to wires or even use the automatic numbering tool to number the already existing ones. On this article, we will approach how to create a numbering to the wire with the pages, row and column information, followed by a sequence that resets at each new page.
Add automatic names to wires…
Go to GElectrical Ribbon> GE Manage Tab> Automatic Names;
Then, select the wire tab;
Click on the + symbol to add a new automatic name;
On the prefix field, add the following name: {P}.{C}.{L}.{S};
Change the increment value and digit from “1” to “0”;
Click on ok to confirm the changes;
Go to GE Modify...> Numbering...;
On the Wire Numbering window, in the Tag rule option, change from 1 digits value (numerical sequence order) to the recently created “{P}.{C}.{L}.{S}”;
Click in OK.
💡TIP: Notice that the characters “.” are not mandatory. In this example, it was used as a page, column, row and sequence information spacer for easily identification.
📖INFO: Automatic numbering doesn't change wires with manual tags.
💡TIP: You can set all wires manual tags and then automatic number the whole project to fill the remaining empty wires names.
Notice the wires are now numbered with the page, column, row and numeric sequence information which starts over when the page is switched.
Macro {P}
This macro is used to find the page information where the wire or components are inserted.
Macro {C}
This macro is used to find the column information where the wire or components are inserted.
Macro {L}
This macro is used to find the row information where the wire or components are inserted.
Macro {S}
This macro is used to add a sequence number which starts over every time the page is switched.
Last, but not least, it is possible to add this automatic number to be always used when a new wire is inserted, avoiding the need of clicking on the Numbering tool.
Making the automatic wire name standard…
Go to the wires pallete;
Select the wire you wish to use the automatic name just created;
Right click it, library properties...;
On the automatic numbering field, insert the new name;
Click ok to save the changes;
All set, now every time this wire is inserted into the project, it will have an automatic name, avoiding the need of clicking on the numbering tool.