Some properties used by ARES Electrical are standard, that is, have specific functions for each finality. Next you will find a list of all available properties along with a brief description and details of where they can be used.
📖INFO: Properties are data filled in the attribute values. They are responsible for several functions and can also be called macro inside the sofware.
Properties List:
SEQUENCE – Responsible for generating a sequential number in the materials list. Used whenever you have a numerical order of items;
QTY – Shows the total amount of items with the same information, used for item totalization in the materials list;
LENGTH – Shows wire length in the layout, used to show wire length after routing;
NAME – Shows the name of the cable’s path as it’s registered in the database, used mainly on multiway cable lists;
TAG_INI – Informs the TAG and initial connection link of components connected through a wire. Used in FROM-TO lists where it’s interesting to know the exact terminal of the initial connection;
TAG_END – indicates the TAG and the link of components linked through a wire. Also used in the FROM-TO lists;
LOCAL – Informs the location of the component in the design;
LOCAL_INI – Informs the location of the inicial component that makes a link in the layout as set up in the Circuit and Location tool. Also used in FROM-TO lists as it’s always good to know the location of the first component in a link;
LOCAL_END – Informs the location of the final component in a connection on the layout, as set up in the Circuit and Location tool. Also used in FROM-TO lists as it’s always good to know the location of the last component in a link;
T_INI – informs only the initial tag of the component connected to the wire in the wire grid;
T_END – informs only the final tag of the component connected to the wire in the grid, used in lists where the terminals are not shown;
LIN_INI – Informs only the initial link of a component connect to a wire of the wire grid;
LIN_END – indicates the final link of a component connected to a wire in the grid, used to inform exact terminals of the design’s connections.