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ARES Commander 2023 SP2 - Release Notes
ARES Commander 2023 SP2 - Release Notes

ARES, Commander, 2023 SP2, Release Notes

Written by Rodrigo Leiria
Updated over a week ago

Build No. (SP2) - Released 12/09/2022

Below you can find the main fixes and new improvements on ARES Commander 2023 SP2:

  • Main enhancements:

    • Block Library - The Block Library is a cloud based feature and it can be accessed through a new palette that allows users to create and organize their own library and store their personal blocks. And as cloud features can be accessed from different devices as well share blocks with other users.

    • Open and Save dialog - The Common file dialog introduced on ARES Commander 2023 to open and save commands will receive improvements that allow performing operations like on system dialog, for example, to create new folders, rename or delete files and folders. The “File name” field will have the possibility to search by files in the current folder by typing and have integrated a recent open or save file list.

    • Data Link Manager - With last improvements the EXTRACTDATA command support linking to external spreadsheet.

  • Open and Save:

    • Added an option to open as read-only or select the encoding on recent implement Common file dialog.

    • Added the options to create a new file without template, but set the Metric or Imperial system.

    • Common file dialog received improvements to better approach MacOS.

    • File type filter was not working on Recent tab from Common file dialog.

    • The "Last Modified" column was not sorting correctly Files and Folders.

    • The Refresh button was not working in one click.

  • Print, export and sheets:

    • Help topic was not open when click on "Help" button from "Page Layout" dialog.

    • Images were mirrored when output to DWF format.

    • Improve the way handle the custom paper sizes.

    • In drawing with TTF fonts the PDF out is missing some entities on MacOS.

    • OLE Entity (spreadsheet) was printed out even out of viewport.

    • The layer export option was disable for multi-sheet PDF.

    • The print preview displayed wrong paper orientation for system printers.

    • Publish using Page Layout Override failed in Chinese version.

  • Geometry draw or modification:

    • On FILLET command holding the Shift key it make the previous corner sharp.

    • Hatch display and position was fixed for specific cases.

    • Hatches with particular patterns were incorrectly change by MIRROR command.

    • The PROPERTYPAINTER command couldn't select as destination hatch entities with solid pattern.

    • Polyline boundaries was not associated with hatch entity when edited.

  • Blocks and Data extraction:

    • In some cases block attributes values wasn't exported using Data Extraction functions.

    • Unable copy and paste tables created by Data Extraction.

    • Some block attributes with annotative settings were not display.

    • Fixed lineweight display issues on blocks with circles or hatches in huge coordinate values.

  • Annotations:

    • Application hang sometimes editing text with columns.

    • Baseline and Continue dimensions was not following the source dimension.

    • In some the text height was changed using the copy and paste.

    • Revision Cloud lose the width when edit via grips.

    • Some dimension texts was not display correct.

    • The background overlap the text when editing.

    • The diameter symbol is not display with correct font.

    • After edit some cells with formulas the value was not display.

  • User Interface:

    • When edit a dimension some fields were display that value is wrong with red background on Contextual Ribbon.

    • Enhancements to better support DCL dialogs on dark mode.

    • The command MEASUREGEOM received a toolbar.

    • The palettes width was not keep when the application is reopen.

    • Lasso selection cycle option wasn't working with space bar key.

    • After run AREABOUNDARY command application return the wrong last entity.

    • Block entities were highlight when the cursor is not over it.

    • "Center" ESnap clip was show hovering the cursor mouse over a linear entity.

    • Some splines were not display in smoothly way.

    • The SPLIT command using the option multiple was not displaying the cross red symbol on intersection.

  • BIM Features:

    • Add entity to dimension chain was not working.

    • After reopening a 2D drawing the elevation and callouts are display in wrong direction.

    • Application crash when run "Create plan drawing"

    • Fixed issues to control elements visibility on BIM Navigator.

    • Just after open a BIM Drawing the undo was causing model unload and view disappears.

    • Labels are show incorrect when IFC source file is different from inches.

    • Numeric properties on BIM entities display measure unit Properties palette.

    • Scale value on callouts was display in the decimal when set to use Architectural type.

    • The performance to work (zoom, pan, orbit) with BIM Models now are smooth.

  • Cloud and Commenting:

    • Application crash if exit markup command without place the picture.

    • Comments add for one document appears on the other document after switch via drawing tabs.

    • Improvements on commenting palette to reduce blank space.

    • It was not possible save locally images attached to comments.

    • On Cloud Storage Save button didn't have icon.

  • Help improvements:

    • Annotation Monitor wasn't display the help topic in German language.

    • Improvements related to print command topics on Linux.

  • External References:

    • A blank image was inserted when select the option "Paintbrush picture" in the command INSERTOBJECT.

    • On External Reference palette the file name was truncate when contains point in the name.

  • Application stability improvements: On this release many areas was improved to avoid unexpected behaviors that lead on close the application, below a summary:

    • MeasureGeometry (Special cases on Angle calculations)

    • DataExtraction improvements

    • Contextual Ribbons

    • Notes & Table Improvements

    • Print Improvements (BatchPrint, Cut Geometry, Printer specific issues, Mirrored output on DWF)

    • Graphics System (Draw Order, Disappear Entities, Hatch Display)

    • Improvements for esnaps & zoom in drawings with specific linetypes

    • Comments and Markups

  • If you are facing issues that are crashing the application, please use the Crash Report tool to let us know about and if possible it's always good write on comments steps to reproduce the problem.

Build No. (SP1.1) - Released 25/07/2022

  • Print, export and sheets:

    • Fixed the issue related to BATCHPRINT with system printers where nothing is print out.

  • Application stability improvements: On this release many areas was improved to avoid unexpected behaviors that lead on close the application, below a summary:

    • General issues on Graphics Area as rendering, cursor handling or caching

    • Print out

    • UI updates

    • BIM features: selecting callouts

If you are facing issues that are crashing the application, please use the Crash Report tool to let us know about and if possible it's always good write on comments steps to reproduce the problem.

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