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ARES Commander 2025 - Release Notes

ARES, Commander, 2025, Release Notes

Written by Rodrigo Leiria
Updated over 2 months ago


You can download the last update from here.

Build No. (SP2) - Release 10/10/2024

  • Main enhancements:

    • Scale command - Added new option "Copy"

    • Large images - Optimized memory usage for handling large JPG images.

    • BIM Drawings - Insert level indicator symbols in section or elevation drawings based on the levels defined in the BIM model.

    • BIM Models - Enhanced support for models containing multiple structures or buildings.

  • Print, export and sheets:

    • The selected sheet remains checked after importing or canceling the import of a page layout in BatchPrint. [DESKTOP-317577]

    • Isolines for 3D Solids are now included in the Print to PDF output. [DESKTOP-241243]

    • -VIEWPORT command wasn't splitting the viewport. [DESKTOP-323343]

    • Sheets are now printed in the correct sequence for specific cases when using the BatchPrint feature. [DESKTOP-317230]

    • The active page layout for a sheet now behaves as expected when the "Apply to sheet" option is selected in the PRINT dialog. [DESKTOP-47509]

    • The Batchprint command was hanging in the Polish version. [DESKTOP-128379]

    • Batch printing uninitialized sheets from "Model" space now produces the correct print output without blank pages. [DESKTOP-317068]

    • The application cannot be aborted or exited when attempting to publish a Sheet Set if the printer is unavailable. [DESKTOP-315441]

    • Print Preview and Print Out now render correctly when specific TrueType Fonts (TTF) are used. [DESKTOP-306245]

    • Incorrected display entities in Hidden Visual Style. [DESKTOP-303579]

    • The display mode for 3D geometry remains consistent after using the "Save as PDF" option on macOS. [DESKTOP-277919]

  • Geometry draw or modification:

    • The ESnap option midpoint between two points wasn't working for MLEADER, LEADER, QLEADER and DIMLINEAR commands. [DESKTOP-305728]

    • The COPYNESTED (NCOPY) command incorrectly copies a block attribute as the scale size of the block reference. [DESKTOP-279017]

    • The application hangs when attempting to copy an entity using ESNAP Intersect to insert it into a special block. [DESKTOP-310379]

    • The selection of blocks with attributes on off layers was not possible. [DESKTOP-315731]

    • Creating TTR/TTT circles through Script or Lisp is not possible, and specifying different tangents with a script is also unsupported. [DESKTOP-94046]

    • Certain Weight values for control points of a spline cannot be modified in the properties palette. [DESKTOP-133885]

    • The Properties palette for spline control points should reject values of 0 and negative numbers for weight. [DESKTOP-133886]

    • The WELD command is unable to join polylines, arcs, and lines. [DESKTOP-295441]

    • The Weight option in the EDITSPLINE command should not accept values of 0 or negative numbers. [DESKTOP-133882]

    • The CONE command in ARES Commander does not allow for the creation of a truncated cone. [DESKTOP-43574]

    • BREAKLINE settings not saved for subsequent executions. [DESKTOP-220209]

    • A crash occurs when attempting to scale a surface to large coordinates in the SCALE command. [DESKTOP-316933]

    • There is a problem with copying associative array entities to the clipboard in a specific drawing. [DESKTOP-302466]

    • The creation of a REVISION cloud is incorrect when it splits first and then converts a polyline into a cloud. [DESKTOP-122937]

    • The display order of the attached image changes when creating a Simplenote in Graphical Area. [DESKTOP-317186]

    • Layer control functions like Show, Freeze, and Lock in the Layer Manager palette become unresponsive following the pasting of a layout name. [DESKTOP-214797]

    • An error is thrown when executing a command after changing the INSUNITS value in DRAWINGUNITS. [DESKTOP-315144]

    • The UNION and SUBTRACT commands yield incorrect results when applied to regions defined by spline curves. [DESKTOP-232317]

    • An error message containing a typo appears when modifying the scale of a solid created by sweeping a profile along a closed path. [DESKTOP-276837]

    • A specific pattern (path) entity does not display correctly in the application. [DESKTOP-316785]

    • Fixed crash occur when using the "Random" option of the COPYMULTIPLE command. [DESKTOP-314308]

  • Blocks and Data extraction:

    • Annotative geometry in Custom Blocks now transforms as intended during edits. [DESKTOP-313488]

    • Dynamic blocks can now be rotated by entering an angle value in the Rotation grip dynamic input. [DESKTOP-303119]

    • The tool palette no longer crashes when attempting multiple insertions of an Anonymous block. [DESKTOP-327845]

    • The alignment and stretch grips now rotate properly when rotating some dynamic block. [DESKTOP-302742]

    • CTRL + double-click now allows direct editing of specific BLOCK ATTRIBUTE values. [DESKTOP-82814]

    • User-defined parameters created through "CBTABLE" can now be converted variable. [DESKTOP-310862]

    • The dimension constraint and action parameter of dynamic blocks now function as intended. [DESKTOP-255859]

    • The "Order" parameter in the palette for Custom Blocks can now be modified without issue. [DESKTOP-310984]

    • The Value Set function for Custom Block elements now successfully adds values. [DESKTOP-316914]

    • The alignment grip on the specific dynamic block now appears right-side up. [DESKTOP-303021]

    • Dependent constraint values are no longer deleted when "Clear column Data" is used in the RMB contextual menu. [DESKTOP-313327]

    • The dynamic preview now accurately represents the blocks during insertion in the Stairs, Rails, and Lifts tool palette. [DESKTOP-303673]

    • The Linear stretch grip now works correctly with the Bolt Dynamic Block entity in the Stairs, Rails, and Lifts tool palette. [DESKTOP-303685]

    • Duplicate entries of the same entity (Counter Line > Line) in the Topography tool palettes have been eliminated. [DESKTOP-303331]

    • Action parameters are no longer added to the lookup table when they are used in the Block property table for Custom Blocks. [DESKTOP-313697]

    • Block insertion from the Tool palette now works when file is locate in cloud storage. [DESKTOP-317011]

    • The scale of Dynamic Blocks in the Tool palette properties for Topography now appears correctly. [DESKTOP-303327]

    • The rotation angle for Dynamic Blocks in the Stairs, Rails, and Lifts tool palette is now accurately reflected in the Tool Properties. [DESKTOP-303547]

    • The “Sink - Various” block from the Tool Palettes now inserts correctly with the first option. [DESKTOP-302738]

    • The "Layer" for Dynamic Blocks in the Stairs, Rails, and Lifts tool palette is now displayed correctly in the Tool Properties. [DESKTOP-303475]

  • Annotations:

    • The landing distance setting for the multileader is now available and adjustable. [DESKTOP-321412]

    • The multileader arrow now automatically relocates to the right side of the text when using the "Content first" option. [DESKTOP-233213]

    • Annotation scaling now results in the correct multileader being created. [DESKTOP-305266]

    • The multileader retains its modified shape when saving the drawing as “R2007-2009 Drawing (*.dwg)”. [DESKTOP-320294]

    • Autofill results for the "Date" data type with the "Time" format are now displaying correctly. [DESKTOP-252177]

    • "Annotative" blocks are now restricted from being inserted into table cells. [DESKTOP-315461]

    • Autofill preview and actual results are now consistent across table breaks. [DESKTOP-297844]

    • Table cell colors in attached Excel files now display correctly when linked via DataLink. [DESKTOP-303436]

    • Time and date entries in table cells now support the "Date" data type with the "time" format (HH:mm or h:mm tt). [DESKTOP-243871]

    • Autofill now respects the default option set in the 'Autofill Options' menu. [DESKTOP-317464]

    • Text no longer remains in the cell after clicking inside following an "Undo" action during block insertion. [DESKTOP-317883]

    • The "AutoStack Defaults" dialog no longer appears when entering a slash (/) in the "Date" data type in tables. [DESKTOP-252972]

    • The "Data Link" button now appears on the status bar when linking Excel in a new drawing. [DESKTOP-145482]

    • The option to add 'Background' to the Fill settings for dimension text styles needs to be included. [DESKTOP-43370]

    • Specifying points for the NOTE command no longer causes crashes after adjusting column settings. [DESKTOP-319106]

    • Dimension text can be edited by double-clicking on it. [DESKTOP-44380]

    • Matching cell properties now works as expected when attempting to match cells in a table. [DESKTOP-315453]

    • Table displays correctly in the selection preview after inserting a block into a cell and scaling the table. [DESKTOP-318781]

    • Table direction no longer defaults to "Down" after insertion from Tool Palettes. [DESKTOP-285885]

    • The formatting "Toolbar and Ruler" now remain visible after using "Stack/Unstack" properties. [DESKTOP-288848]

    • Changes now apply only to the column width without affecting the overall table width. [DESKTOP-316144]

    • The autofill dynamic preview now displays when cells contain multiple content types, such as blocks or mixed content. [DESKTOP-308666]

    • Inserted blocks in table cells now support attribute blocks and their properties. [DESKTOP-312121]

    • The fill series feature now works correctly with mixed content, regardless of applied formatting like bold, italic, or underline. [DESKTOP-311858]

    • Custom list autofill now preserves letter case even when notes have formatting such as bold or italic. [DESKTOP-311820]

  • Graphic System:

    • Spheres and toruses do not display correctly when using clipped references. [DESKTOP-302443]

    • In the Hidden and Sketchy Visual Styles occluded edges remained visible. [DESKTOP-311199]

    • Text elements are not displayed on the surfaces of solids in Shaded Visual Style. [DESKTOP-293634]

    • The application is unable to locate the view's background image from same folder than current DWG. [DESKTOP-308199]

    • Opening a DWG file with a missing background image causes ARES Commander to crash. [DESKTOP-308203]

    • AEC walls are not rendered correctly in the Realistic Visual Style when using Order Independent Transparency. [DESKTOP-273338]

    • Polyline rendering is incorrect when working with large coordinate values due to line smoothing issues. [DESKTOP-288000]

    • The Gooch face style does not function correctly with mapped object shadows in the Conceptual visual style. [DESKTOP-315535]

    • Changing shadow display settings under lighting causes the application to crash. [DESKTOP-315556]

    • Silhouette edge computation is now performed in the background thread for improved performance. [DESKTOP-300934]

    • Entities become invisible in the Hidden Visual Style after printing with hidden shade options enabled. [DESKTOP-292178]

  • User Interface:

    • All icons in the "Hatch Creation/Editor" interface are now fully colored for improved usability. [DESKTOP-290549]

    • Images such as PNG, JPG, and SVG now load from the CUIX file. [DESKTOP-330086]

    • The message in the Trinity Block Library palette is now properly translated into Japanese. [DESKTOP-313979]

    • The dimension tolerance calculation list now displays correctly in the Japanese version. [DESKTOP-321696]

    • Esnap shortcut keys are now clearly visible when using the right-click mouse menu. [DESKTOP-293982]

    • The "SHADED" option in the View tab's Render panel now applies the Shaded mode directly without opening a drop-down menu. [DESKTOP-324022]

    • An option to set a delay time has been added to the dimension palette. [DESKTOP-262414]

    • Duplicate command entries no longer appear in the suggestion list when multiple tabs are opened. [DESKTOP-232527]

    • On MacOS, the delete key now acts as a backspace to remove mistyped text in QInput and performs the delete command. [DESKTOP-317402]

    • The welcome dialog now scales correctly when the display is set to 150%. [DESKTOP-314148]

    • Cloud storage messages are now properly translated into Japanese. [DESKTOP-315504]

    • The CTRL key now allows selecting multiple attributes during block insertions. [DESKTOP-135711]

    • API Fixed Tooltip background style in plugin dialogs [DESKTOP-322225]

    • The "PAN Up" icon now displays correctly in the Classic workspace. [DESKTOP-287806]

    • The arrow indicating length changes now has an appropriate color for better visibility. [DESKTOP-287330]

    • Distinct "Sheet Set" icons are now used in Dark Style mode for better clarity. [DESKTOP-287131]

    • The crash report dialog now displays in Japanese on the localized version of the application. [DESKTOP-82145]

    • The file status palette now differentiates between uploading and downloading of files. [DESKTOP-314786]

    • Z-coordinate values for Spline and 3D Polyline vertices are now saved correctly after modifications in the Properties panel. [DESKTOP-322226]

    • The property palette now allows selecting editable properties with a single click. [DESKTOP-246760]

    • Unnecessary command lines no longer appear when using "Visual Styles" from the ribbon panel in sheet space. [DESKTOP-287818]

    • An icon is now displayed for opened files in the Design Resources Palette. [DESKTOP-308535]

    • The Shade View toolbar has been updated to reflect changes in the VISUALSTYLECURRENT settings. [DESKTOP-314021]

  • BIM Features:

    • The display of BIM sections now correctly reflects the model, preventing walls from cutting through windows. [DESKTOP-273079]

    • An audit error is resolved after adding a multiview block in BIMGEOMETRYEDIT. [DESKTOP-313566]

    • The “Undo” action now restores the BIM Detail Callout as expected. [DESKTOP-303783]

    • The mapping of unassigned materials in multicomponent elements is now possible in BIM Material. [DESKTOP-264500]

    • Running automation for models with a section no longer causes BIMAUTOALL to crash. [DESKTOP-318806]

    • Creating a BIM detail without saving now removes both the detail drawing from the BIM Navigator and the callout from the section. [DESKTOP-309742]

    • The drawing viewport no longer gets displaced after reload in BIM. [DESKTOP-286564]

    • UNISOLATE now ensures that BIM objects are displayed according to their current status. [DESKTOP-302060]

    • BIMSPLITDRAWINGMODES has been updated to improve BIM splitting functionality. [DESKTOP-309078]

    • Section and elevation callouts are now legible in child drawings. [DESKTOP-294218]

    • Drag and drop functionality now works properly for BIMGRIDLINES. [DESKTOP-307291]

    • Specifying the Z coordinate for BIMSPLITDRAWING no longer causes the application to crash. [DESKTOP-312812]

  • Cloud and Commenting:

    • Reloading an incomplete DGN attachment in Xref Cloud no longer results in a crash. [DESKTOP-312040]

    • When ARES Commander crashes with file opened from cloud storage, the edit session now becomes accessible to others after recovery. [DESKTOP-291004]

    • The application crashes after multiple uses of the pause button in VoiceNote." [DESKTOP-298069]

  • API and Customization:

    • Fixed a crash issue in the Options dialog search widget when using the Korean language. [DESKTOP-267552]

    • The Menu bar should be included in the list of elements available for customizing workspaces. [DESKTOP-304963]

    • Fixed Entity Linetype when they are part of an anonymous block [DESKTOP-322298]

    • AcEdJig performance improved [DESKTOP-323596]

    • Improved stability on unitialization of FRX modules [DESKTOP-282018]

    • Fixed handling with AcRxServices [DESKTOP-282020]

    • Fixed acedGetFileD method to support flags [DESKTOP-308107]

    • Implemented AcEdJig::setSpecialCursorType() for kInvisible case [DESKTOP-309216]

    • Possibility to configure middle mouse button from the CUI dialog [DESKTOP-313095]

    • Fixed Bottom DockArea is splitted when a DockControlBar is added [DESKTOP-281538]

  • External References:

    • Selected Data Links in graphical area now get highlighted in the reference palette. [DESKTOP-143479]

    • Double-clicking now allows renaming of Data Link references directly. [DESKTOP-143478]

    • Alert icons are now displayed when Data Link status is "Not found" or "Unreferenced." [DESKTOP-144083]

    • The Data Link icon now updates when a link is broken. [DESKTOP-144084]

  • License:

    • The Return License option in FNLM is not functioning as intended. [DESKTOP-279925]

    • A message should appear when attempting to return borrowed flex permissions if the NLM server is off. [DESKTOP-275888]

  • Performance:

    • Editing Associative Arrays shows a decrease in performance. [DESKTOP-294188]

    • Creating a polyline takes significantly longer when pasting thousands of coordinates via the command line. [DESKTOP-290528]

    • ARES may become unresponsive when exploding blocks in specific drawings. [DESKTOP-91012]

    • Zooming in or out in drawings containing large .jpg files may result in performance degradation. [DESKTOP-304377]

    • Displaying large .jpg images takes longer than expected when opening a drawing file. [DESKTOP-304373]

    • Opening a drawing file with a large .jpg results in very high memory consumption. [DESKTOP-304365]

    • ARES experiences delays when resetting drawing scales with numerous annotation scales in attached drawings. [DESKTOP-124701]

    • Improvements in Zoom in and out in drawings with hatch entities. [DESKTOP-301247]

    • The application slows down when opening where required display silhouette edges and may hang when changing visual styles. [DESKTOP-298121]

Build No. (SP1) - Release 03/07/2024

  • Main enhancements:

    • Batch print - Workflow improvements to reduce the number of clicks from users to run the Batch Print. And new option to overwrite Page Layout settings with build-in printers (PDF, DWF and DWFx)

    • PDF Export - To enhance the user experience, the PDF Export UI now retains settings between different DWG files and even after the application is closed.

    • Dimensional Constraints - Support dimensional constraints conversion from Dynamic blocks.

    • On-screen View control - With this widget user always has on your hand a way to change View, Viewport or Visual style configurations.

    • DWGUNITS command - This new command will make it easy to switch drawing between different unit systems.

    • API Python (COM Interfaces) - A new option to interact with ARES now using Python.

    • MTEXT with support for columns - Multi-column text allows users to organise long text within one “Note” body, making it easier to adjust text in tight spaces.

    • Table edit improvements - The edit operation on tables was enhanced and now supports some new options like Auto Formula, Match cell properties, Insert block in cell and some Grip improvements.

    • BIM Drawings split - The split drawings functionality receives optimizations with two new modes to split the drawings: Center using the center point to start and Fit will use the border corners to start the place the tiles.

    • BIM Drawings Grid lines - The BIM Drawings has the new feature that allows drawing the Grid Lines on floor plans, sections or elevations.

  • Open and Save:

    • Optimized opening time for specific files. [DESKTOP-281124]

    • Crash when try to save a drawing in "R14 ASCII Drawing" format type [DESKTOP-271054]

    • Induced errors in 3D solid drawings caused solids to disappear from the graphical area when attempting to fix database errors. [DESKTOP-241391]

  • Print, export and sheets:

    • Rotated text was split to the next line when printed. [DESKTOP-305543]

    • CVPORT was not correctly undone when performing an undo action on a sheet. [DESKTOP-298868]

    • Improved the Lineweight display in the Print Preview on Zoom In/Out. [DESKTOP-228484]

    • Linetype was not plotted correctly when LineStyle was specified in the .ctb file. [DESKTOP-87609]

    • The paper size changed when drawing files were opened on different machines. [DESKTOP-140836]

    • A crash occurred when trying to import a scanned PDF in IMPORTPDF. [DESKTOP-305317]

    • The PDF file was automatically opened after creation in EXPORTPDF. [DESKTOP-218272]

    • The undo action failed to revert MODELMODE, causing the viewport to remain active. [DESKTOP-289790]

    • The print stamp button in BATCHPRINT was not the same as in the PRINT dialog. [DESKTOP-300562]

    • Resolved crash in CLIPVIEWPORT when clipping sheet viewport. [DESKTOP-301190]

    • The print stamp could not be disabled in the Batch Print dialog if it was enabled with the "PRINT" or "-PRINTSTAMP" commands. [DESKTOP-249945]

    • Cancelling the opening of a PDF file (Adobe Acrobat Document) as an icon caused a crash in INSERTOBJECT. [DESKTOP-301268]

    • Printing from PREVIEW failed if the page layout had a printer that printed to file. [DESKTOP-279673]

    • A large TIFF file was not displayed. [DESKTOP-293314]

    • Geometry in the sheet viewport was not exported in EXPORTDGN. [DESKTOP-273840]

    • Some mnemonics were missing in the PDF Export Dialog of EXPORTPDF. [DESKTOP-272773]

    • The "TAB" key sequence was incorrect in the PDF Export Dialog of EXPORTPDF. [DESKTOP-273100]

    • An error and crash occurred on exit when exporting a specific drawing in EXPORTDGN. [DESKTOP-295861]

  • Geometry draw or modification:

    • The pattern and preview were blank in the HATCH dialog after drawing a fill hatch. [DESKTOP-314386]

    • Prevented crashes when using TRIM / POWERTRIM on geometry with dimensional constraints. [DESKTOP-299620]

    • Enabled the STRETCH command to work with entities selected by the Previous option. [DESKTOP-117254]

    • Prevented crashes when mirroring entities in specific drawings with external references on MacOS. [DESKTOP-266384]

    • Ensured grips worked correctly for Associative Pattern scaling factors less than 1. [DESKTOP-129256]

    • Enabled the TTR option in the CIRCLE command. [DESKTOP-312094]

    • Improvement to display in fade mode the entities selected by transform commands like COPY, MOVE or ROTATE. [DESKTOP-298052]

    • Enabled the OFFSET command for closed polylines with width. [DESKTOP-310185]

    • The application crashed when pressing Space/Enter after specifying "all" to create a hatch for each boundary in EDITHATCH. [DESKTOP-255150]

    • HATCH failed with a closed contour inside a dynamic or custom block. [DESKTOP-298238]

    • Hatch creation with an open gap boundary was unsuccessful when the HPGAPTOL value was set to ignore the gap. [DESKTOP-297737]

    • Improved functionality of the Copy and Move commands in CCS. [DESKTOP-139668]

    • Allowed entities to be deleted using the delete key on Mac OS. [DESKTOP-52009]

    • The HATCH command failed to create a pattern with a spline closed contour. [DESKTOP-295851]

    • Preserved blocks and DIMSCALE settings when selecting "No" for Remove hidden lines in FLATTEN. [DESKTOP-296261]

    • Corrected the stretching behavior of splines in attached files. [DESKTOP-306862]

    • Prevented crashes when selecting a polyline with smartdimensions after using "Copy with Reference Point". [DESKTOP-281760]

    • Prevented application hangs when pasting entities while clipboard data is processing. [DESKTOP-80246]

    • Ensured the line style STRICH2PUNKT in file mm.lin worked correctly in the German version. [DESKTOP-298274]

    • The MIRRORHATCH / MIRRHATCH command and system variable were non-functional. [DESKTOP-285961]

    • Maintained polyline width when adding a vertex. [DESKTOP-291540]

    • The entities that are on the locked layer change their properties when they shift from one layer to another. [DESKTOP-304887]

    • Incorrect boundary detection occurred in HATCH / AREABOUNDARY for blocks with visibility states, considering geometry from inactive visibility states. [DESKTOP-296536]

    • Prevented ARES from hanging up when deleting entities in a specific drawing file. [DESKTOP-297756]

    • Fixed issue where FLATTEN in ARES Standard failed to create 2D projection when flattening solid with "Remove hidden lines" option. [DESKTOP-241477]

    • Enabled the SPLIT alias for the BREAK command to be functional. [DESKTOP-278833]

    • Resolved crash and UI malfunction during Flatten operation in BIM Project Drawing when "Remove hidden lines" was set to No. [DESKTOP-297138]

    • Recognized the intersection point on the entity that intersects with the polar guide. [DESKTOP-302045]

    • Enabled the OFFSET command in ARES Standard. [DESKTOP-301785]

    • When modify Cone solid the "Top Radius" and "Height" propeties cause solid shift from its grip. [DESKTOP-295428]

    • Allowed modification of the remaining trimmed part of RAY/INFINITELINE in EDITCOMPONENT. [DESKTOP-259592]

    • Preserved dimension properties after using the FLATTEN command. [DESKTOP-288348]

    • Maintained values of Vertical and Horizontal axes in the PATTERN dialog. [DESKTOP-109277]

    • Esnap was not recognized on a specific block containing a 3D solid. [DESKTOP-293293]

  • Blocks and Data extraction:

    • Displayed icons only when associated entities with Constraints are visible [DESKTOP-180895]

    • Allowed the Properties Table check mark to change when selected in the list. [DESKTOP-280913]

    • Ensured text moves appropriately when modifying the View_Detail dynamic block. [DESKTOP-302190]

    • Enabled grips to function when inserting a block in graphical area after using "CBSAVEAS". [DESKTOP-292333]

    • Corrected the angle reference line of the "North icon - DB" dynamic block from Tool Palettes. [DESKTOP-301981]

    • Accurately reflected the nested status of blocks when dragging and dropping in custom/dynamic blocks using the palette. [DESKTOP-305574]

    • Fixed the show/hide toggle checkbox for custom blocks with visibility states in Block Structure palette. [DESKTOP-298087]

    • Displayed the dynamic block View_Detail correctly when opening a new drawing file with standard.dwt. [DESKTOP-302188]

    • Set the scales of blocks in the Annotations tab of Tool Palettes to 1. [DESKTOP-301982]

    • Displayed Dynamic Block properties in the new default blocks library by setting the correct path for the source drawing. [DESKTOP-294636]

    • Set LineColor and Print Style of the "Shower head" to ByLayer. [DESKTOP-302739]

    • Enhanced insertion speed for specific drawing Layout through Design Resource. [DESKTOP-281132]

    • Allowed "Insert" to work with block names containing "$" and space characters in Block Structure palette. [DESKTOP-298330]

    • Avoided crashes when right-clicking the main node of the tree view after selecting all block instances in Block Structure palette. [DESKTOP-288269]

    • Corrected the display of specific 3D solids in Editcomponent. [DESKTOP-293614]

    • Validated block names in the block definition dialog. [DESKTOP-126697]

  • Annotations:

    • Enabled the Alignment option of the EDITTABLECELL command for specific cells. [DESKTOP-314311]

    • Cleared the default value from the background on graphical area when selecting a dimension string with Ctrl+A in EDITNOTE. [DESKTOP-292343]

    • Ensured correct display when using the ATTIPEDIT Command. [DESKTOP-129393]

    • Ensured the Dimension palette icon remains hidden inside the block editor. [DESKTOP-246115]

    • Unicode symbols were displayed correctly. [DESKTOP-277300]

    • Stabilized the text editing area when entering Japanese texts. [DESKTOP-296198]

    • Ensured autofill with custom list works with formatted text when dragging a cell in Table Autofill. [DESKTOP-302658]

    • Updated formulas correctly when adding a new column in Table Autofill. [DESKTOP-302654]

    • Resolved the ambiguity between 'Format' and 'Formula' options in EDITTABLECELL. [DESKTOP-95865]

    • Enabled creation of SmartLeader in the specified drawing file. [DESKTOP-292336]

    • Displayed Mtext contents without brackets in the Property palette. [DESKTOP-269158]

    • Corrected cursor placement during in-line edit of SIMPLENOTE when copying and pasting within BIMMATCHLINES label. [DESKTOP-296061]

    • Positioned SMARTLEADER correctly after text edits in CCS/UCS. [DESKTOP-287120]

    • Added "Row Style" in the Table property palette's cell section. [DESKTOP-282831]

    • Removed the unnecessary line preview when the mouse moves beyond the table. [DESKTOP-288884]

    • Restored table labels preview after using the scale command and undoing it. [DESKTOP-290948]

    • Addressed significant degradation in zooming performance after breaking a table. [DESKTOP-291670]

    • Prevented crashes when clicking on grip after applying the "CLIPREFERENCE" command on a table. [DESKTOP-290523]

    • Maintained title cell merging when inputting data in a table. [DESKTOP-300556]

    • Allowed editing of Multileader entities created in other editors. [DESKTOP-295353]

    • Avoided crashes when renaming a particular dimension style in DIMENSIONSTYLE. [DESKTOP-296042]

    • Preserved dimension text color when changing Symbols & Arrows in Dimension Style Manager, except for radial/diameter. [DESKTOP-285540]

  • Graphic System:

    • Opening the Visual Styles palette caused a crash in OpenGL Profile. [DESKTOP-295583]

    • "Coordinate symbol" flickered or blinked when hovering the cursor over any entity in graphical area while executing a command. [DESKTOP-294446]

    • Faces and meshes were not displayed in Hidden or Sketchy visual styles in VSCURRENT. [DESKTOP-293366]

    • Geometry was not visible when brought into the current view on a UHD monitor with 175% scaling during PAN. [DESKTOP-295275]

    • The system variables "EXTMAX" and "EXTMIN" had incorrect values in a rotated CCS. [DESKTOP-251069]

  • User Interface:

    • Prevented crashes when creating a hatch inside "Custom arrow" in DIMENSIONSTYLE. [DESKTOP-295678]

    • Ensured active palette persistence across application restarts. [DESKTOP-202698]

    • Resolved issue where hidden palettes became visible again upon saving workspace. [DESKTOP-294390]

    • Fixed issue of status bar icons shifting position when opening large files. [DESKTOP-281238]

    • In Tool Palettes canceling a command started over another command echoes “Unrecognized command” [DESKTOP-270966]

    • Corrected display of toolptips for "Refresh" and "Help" buttons in "3DFINDIT" Palette across supported languages. [DESKTOP-300430]

    • Fixed display issue with Japanese sentences in License Agreement. [DESKTOP-306928]

    • Fixed issue where hovering over Worksheets in Menu Bar under Tools did not display any worksheets. [DESKTOP-285563]

    • Fixed issue where Hand cursor was missing from graphical area when using PAN tool. [DESKTOP-300827]

    • Removed "XTRATOOLS" commands from Tool Palettes due to unavailability in ARES Standard product. [DESKTOP-299124]

    • Fixed issue where cursor was not displayed at pick point to activate drawing window. [DESKTOP-302736]

    • Fixed broken balloon notifications after switching application between two screens. [DESKTOP-294900]

    • Improved visibility for active dimension style in Dimension Style Manager. [DESKTOP-294091]

    • Allowed deletion of "style overrides" even if a dimension was created with it. [DESKTOP-299682]

    • Fixed application crash occurring when using window selection after closing cloud storage drawing. [DESKTOP-300050]

    • Listed diameter and other sub-dimension styles correctly in Dimension Style Control and Properties palette. [DESKTOP-52469]

    • Fixed issue where incorrect palettes were displayed during migration instead of those set in the previous version. [DESKTOP-291312]

    • Fixed issue where certain dynamic blocks did not have icon images in Tool Palette list. [DESKTOP-294346]

    • Resolved application crash occurring when clicking any button on quick access toolbar in Classic workspace. [DESKTOP-301204]

    • Resolved issue preventing insertion of multileader with block due to file not found error. [DESKTOP-227539]

    • Corrected updating of Tool Palette list to synchronize with user actions of moving up or down. [DESKTOP-236355]

    • Adjusted EXPORTPDF dialog to display all buttons and labels correctly at higher screen scaling. [DESKTOP-268315]

    • Fixed issue where material filtering button was displayed without its icon in BIMMATERIALMAPPER. [DESKTOP-243529]

  • BIM Features:

    • Avoided crashes when using specific RVT models with feet templates during large-scale BIM Drawing splitting. [DESKTOP-305549]

    • Removed visibility of plan section lines in plan drawings. [DESKTOP-294212]

    • Improvements to import IFC models. [DESKTOP-302023]

    • Displayed Slabs Material in section drawings for some specific Revit models. [DESKTOP-298958]

    • Added a "Help" button to the BIMMULTICOMPONENT palette. [DESKTOP-235354]

    • Improved performance to reduce refresh time. [DESKTOP-289114]

    • Adjusted the size of break lines in the meter template. [DESKTOP-297823]

    • Eliminated black areas appearing in plans after running Automation. [DESKTOP-297539]

    • Ensured the "Core" word and corresponding material values are fully visible in the MacOS BIM Multicomponent Palette. [DESKTOP-282109]

    • Clarified functionality and behavior of material mapping in the BIMMULTICOMPONENT palette. [DESKTOP-282833]

    • Preserved window and door dimensions when running the “BIM Geometry edit” command. [DESKTOP-289467]

    • Maintained the visibility of the Header Label when resizing the palette and preview section. [DESKTOP-282911]

    • Provided an indication for refreshing BIM Drawing from the main drawing when BIM Files are reloaded with a new version. [DESKTOP-181986]

    • Displayed BIMDIMENSIONCHAIN dimensions correctly when creating sections from bottom to top. [DESKTOP-291161]

  • Cloud and Commenting:

    • Ensured xref files are found when opening a new drawing file. [DESKTOP-291538]

    • The blue username tagging in Comment was not removed when any letter was deleted from the mentioned username. [DESKTOP-253668]

    • The @ button in Comments was disabled when the line edit focus was inside an already tagged username. [DESKTOP-253976]

    • Texts were highlighted in blue when entering text before tagging (@) in comments when mentioned users. [DESKTOP-264462]

    • Cloud Storage or News palette become empty when change docking position after closing all drawings [DESKTOP-279121]

    • Allowed uploads of xref files from folders with specific names. [DESKTOP-293271]

    • Ensured QR Codes open drawings in the same 'Sheet' or Model where they were created in CLOUDFIELD. [DESKTOP-286251]

    • Ensured the in-place text editor's boundary extends correctly when updating the cloud field linked text. [DESKTOP-300446]

    • Removed unnecessary message after saving a cloud drawing with a new name using SAVETOCLOUDSTORAGE. [DESKTOP-282818]

    • Displayed QR codes correctly when deleting hyperlink text and adding new text after editing. [DESKTOP-300459]

    • Ensured the QR code stretch grip remains visible after overlapping with the move grip. [DESKTOP-282336]

    • Prevented creation of conflicting files when clicking in the graphics area after losing an edit session. [DESKTOP-290995]

    • Prevented crashes when saving specific drawings with external references to the cloud. [DESKTOP-297064]

    • Enabled xref updates to reflect changes made by other users in cloud storage. [DESKTOP-288807]

    • Prevented QR code explosion from creating PolyFaceMesh in drawings. [DESKTOP-280401]

    • Located externally referenced files in different cloud storage folders. [DESKTOP-289085]

    • Located xref files correctly when reopening drawing files. [DESKTOP-291539]

    • Displayed xref files attached from Box Drive when opening a drawing file from cloud storage. [DESKTOP-292143]

    • Allowed xref drawing files to be opened with editing permissions from the cloud storage panel. [DESKTOP-290946]

    • Prevented crash when pressing Esc during QR code preview generation in CLOUDFIELD. [DESKTOP-285666]

    • Reflected changes in xref drawings upon reloading from the Notification palette. [DESKTOP-291281]

    • Allowed drawings open in cloud storage to be attached. [DESKTOP-291496]

    • Displayed accurate upload status instead of "Complete" when the upload fails. [DESKTOP-291284]

  • External References:

    • Enabled resizing of the File Information section in the References palette. [DESKTOP-271258]

    • Corrected issue where spinner progress was not functioning correctly for drawings containing multiple external references. [DESKTOP-300263]

    • Prevented crashes when closing the application after attaching some external referenced drawings. [DESKTOP-284433]

    • Preserved linear associative patterns after saving changes in EDITCOMPONENT. [DESKTOP-295445]

    • Avoided crashes when binding all external referenced drawings in a specific drawing. [DESKTOP-298300]

  • Drawing Compare:

    • Detected only actual changes in the drawing, avoiding false differences. [DESKTOP-263162]

    • Displayed comparison preview in "Zoom Extended" view even when there were no differences between drawings in Drawing Compare - Merge. [DESKTOP-293536]

    • Displayed comparison preview in "Zoom Extended" view for drawings created in views other than top in Drawing Compare - Merge. [DESKTOP-294710]

    • Ensured "Restore" function worked correctly for block entities after using UNDO in Drawing Compare - Merge. [DESKTOP-289148]

Build No. (SP0.1) - Released 02/05/2024

Blocks and Data extraction:

  • Linear associative pattern is missing after save the changes in EDITCOMPONENT.

Geometry draw or modification:

  • Dimension arrows disappears after use FLATTEN command.

  • Improvement to retain the Vertical and Horizonal axis values in PATTERN dialog.

  • OFFSET command doesn't work in ARES Standard for some entity type.

  • The intersection point on the entity that intersects with the polar guide cannot be recognized.

  • Unable to modify the remaining trimmed part of Ray/Infiniteline in the EDITCOMPONENT environment.

Graphic System:

  • ESnap is not recognized on specific conditions with 3D Solids in block.

  • Improvements to display 3D Solid after EDITCOMPONENT.

Build No. (SP0) - Released 01/04/2024



The Options dialog centralizes all the options for your drawing, including units and user preferences. It has been redesigned to make the Search tool more prominent and help you find the settings you seek.

In addition, a new Dimension Styles dialog provides quicker access to these options, so you can customize the style of your dimensions like in AutoCAD.



Powered by OpenAI technology, the new ARES AI Assist (A3) palette in ARES Commander is an artificial intelligence trained to assist ARES users in many languages. You can ask questions in a similar way as in ChatGPT, but with the difference that A3 has learned about CAD and ARES products.

A3 can explain step by step how to use features, answer general or industry-specific questions, convert values, and translate texts for your drawings. It’s your personal CAD assistant!



ARES Commander 2025 is introducing support for Autodesk Civil 3D entities. This integration enables the proper visualization of Civil 3D entities within the ARES environment.

While initially offering limited grips and properties functionalities, this feature will continue to evolve in subsequent releases, providing a more seamless interoperability between ARES Commander and Civil 3D.


Previous versions of ARES Commander already had the capability to import DGN files and convert them to DWG format, or to attach a DGN file as a reference file in the background of drawings. Now, users gain the ability to export from DWG to DGN, making it easier to share files with users of Bentley MicroStation or Bentley ProjectWise.



ARES Commander now supports Visual Styles created in AutoCAD. This means that a 3D drawing configured with such specific styles in AutoCAD is displayed the same way in ARES Commander, and vice versa — ensuring visual consistency between applications.

Visual Styles also enable ARES Commander users to produce higher-quality visuals of their 3D projects.



Auto-Fill is a very powerful and useful feature inside any spreadsheet or application that supports tabular data. This functionality is designed to save time and reduce the need for manual entry of repetitive data. For the TABLE entities in ARES Commander, Auto-Fill helps users to populate adjacent cells with various types of values.


The tool palettes in ARES Commander, and the online Trinity Block Library in ARES Commander and ARES Kudo, have been enriched with 450+ ready-to-use dynamic blocks. These blocks are parametric and compatible with AutoCAD. They include symbols for Architecture, Interior Design, HVAC, Electricity, Plumbing, Civil Engineering, Urban Planning, and more.



In previous versions of ARES Commander, we introduced the unique ability to import BIM projects (IFC or Revit) and extract 2D drawings — such as floor plans, elevations, or sections — that can be enriched and saved in DWG. The new feature enables users to customize the display of specific entities, such as door symbols, in these drawings.



The Mac version is now offered in two setups: one for 64-bit Intel processors and one for 64-bit ARM processors (aka M1, M2, and M3). Previously, the compatibility with ARM processors was provided via the Rosetta translator. Now, ARES Commander offers native support, which improves stability and performance. The latest macOS — v14 (Sonoma) — is also supported now.



Use the @ symbol to mention your colleagues or contacts in the commenting palette in ARES Commander, ARES Kudo, and ARES Touch. Mentioning another user generates an email notification containing the comment and a link to the drawing. It is an easy and efficient way to get quicker reactions and assign tasks or questions.


Combine ready-to-use QR codes and the new CLOUDFIELD command to easily insert inside your drawings links to specific versions of your drawing in the cloud. You may, for example, add a link to view online the latest version of a printed drawing, to ensure your contacts don‘t miss any updates. Alternatively, it could be a link to download the file as it was when it was printed.

System Requirements

Windows OS


  • 64-bit version: Microsoft® Windows 10 or Windows 11 (with latest Updates and Service Packs)

  • Intel® i3 processor (6th generation) or AMD® Ryzen 3 (2nd generation)

  • 8GB RAM

  • 5 GB free hard disk space on SSD depending on accessory applications installed

  • 3D Graphics accelerator card with 1 GB GPU memory and DirectX 9 compliant (OpenGL version 2.0 or better)

  • Display with 1280 x 768 pixels resolution with True Color (100% DPI scaling)

  • Mouse

For a good experience we recommend

  • 64-bit version: Microsoft® Windows® 10 or Windows® 11 (with latest Updates and Service Packs)

  • CPU Intel® i5/i7/i9 processor (8th generation or newer), AMD® Ryzen 5/7/9 processor (2nd generation or newer), or better

  • 16 GB RAM (or more)

  • 5 GB free hard disk space on SSD depending on accessory applications installed

  • 3D Graphics accelerator card with 1 GB or 2 GB GPU memory and DirectX 12 compliant (OpenGL version 4.3 or better) | (Nvidia – GeForce 700/800/900 series, GeForce RTX 20/30/40 series, GeForce GTX 16 series, GeForce MX 300/400/500 series or ATI)

  • Full HD monitor (1920 x 1080 pixels) or 4K Display (3840 x 2160 pixels) with True Color

  • Wheel mouse, or 3D mouse


  • Intel Version: Mac® with Intel® Core™ i5 processor or better

  • ARM Version: Apple M1 ARM-based systems or better

  • macOS v12 (Monterey), v13 (Ventura) or v14 (Sonoma)

  • 8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)

  • 5 GB of available hard-disk space for installation

  • 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 2.0 (OpenGL version 3.3 or better recommended)

  • Display with 1280 x 768 pixels resolution, or better

  • Mouse (Wheel mouse recommended)


  • Ubuntu® 20.04 LTS, Fedora® 33

  • Intel® i3 processor (6th generation) or AMD® Ryzen 3 (2nd generation) or better

  • 8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)

  • 5 GB of available hard-disk space on SSD for installation

  • 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 2.0 (OpenGL version 3.3 or better recommended)

  • Display with 1280 x 768 pixels resolution, or better

  • Mouse (Wheel mouse recommended)

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