Generate bill of materials and export data of the project.
Generate Bill of MaterialsARES Electrical, BOM, Bill of materials, Report, Export, data, component list.
Generate List of TerminalsARES Electrical, Bill of material, BOM, Terminal, terminal strip, terminal strip drawing, reports, export.
Generate list of cablesARES Electrical, Cables, reports, export, list, cables list.
Generate list of wiresARES Electrical, Wires, Wires list, report, export, bill of materiallist.
Set default ReportsARES Electrical, Reports, Default Reports, set reports, reports settings.
Exporting to PDF.ARES Electrical, Export, Document, PDF, Smart PDF, Project Documentation.
Exporting a Bill of Materials in .xls format.ARES Electrical, BOM, Bill of materials, items, reports, list, table.
Wiring list in .xls format.ARES Electrical, Wires, Wires report, wiring list, from-to, xls table.